Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday [1 to 5]

5.  Trump

"When Biden tries to claim credit for vaccine distribution, a distribution system that was set up by the Trump Administration, he should remember that if I didn’t purchase, very early on, billions of dollars worth of the vaccine, bottles, needles, and everything else that goes with it, he and his administration would not have been giving vaccinations until October or November of this year."

Then you're a fool and I'd never vote for you.  Wake up, Donald Trump!

4.  Haiku

I guess that some don't like the Bezos:

[Love it:]

A campaign has been started on the petition website to prevent Amazon founder Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth after his upcoming jaunt into space on 20 July.

Bezos is scheduled to be launched 100km up for a brief, suborbital trip on the first manned flight by his New Shepard rocket, operated by the Blue Origin space tourism company he founded back in 2000.


He will be accompanied on the flight by his brother, Mark, and a mystery auction winner who reportedly paid $28m for the privilege.

Tempted, tempted.

3.  This Absolut vodka ad alluded to in [1] today

Here’s the beef - YT run ads, infests the clip with them.  Solution according to YT?  Buy buy buy their product to stop the harassment.  Get knotted, YT.

So I go to a clip, await the five seconds of garbage, then the second, then click Pause, go for coffee, come back.  However, some firms such as this excrescence in the subheading, choose an option, it seems, where the ad runs 15 seconds before you can click out.

Those are the ones whose products I shall never use.  Simple.  Ripper and others said just run ad blocker.  But that does not let me see who’s doing what to whom.  I’m far more interested in knowing who’s doing what and reporting it here than the minor inconvenience.

What of the other end of the spectrum - products I’d certainly buy?  Dairy Lea is one.  Five seconds of silence, then can click out.  Sometimes I don’t, I watch the whole ad, just to be bloodyminded.  And for sure I’d buy their product if I saw it on the shelves.

Years ago, Guinness used the music above for an ad.  I don't drink Guinness but if it were available, at hand, maybe I would, just because of that ad. Call me a mindless consumer - I call myself bloodyminded and susceptible to reverse psychology unless in careful mode ... and at times childishly petulant.

By the way a firm called bookingdotcom used the 15 second option so I'd never use their services.

2.  This was the text in question [at t’other place]

The Santa Barbara News item:

1.  DR writes at t’other place

a.  There’s no name-day post up over yonder to leave this under so I’m leaving it here.

“The performance of the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test as a tool for detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population”

b.  Chinese virus vaxx, toxic effects, British experts call for halt:


  1. All caps headlines are the way Bitchute rolls, sorry


  2. 5. I still don't get DJT's stance.

    Someone posited recently whether the arm-poke was the mind-controlled performing a self-culling event.

  3. Steve

    Trump followed recommendations (vaccinate everything with a pulse) given to him by Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx. His own input came from a need to do something immediately, which is why he mentioned HCQ, etc - and no doubt Ivermectin if he'd known about it early enough. You've got to remember Trump was being set to fail all the time. Peter Navarro tells the story from inside the Whitehouse that you couldn't completely trust anyone who was advising the President: hence Mike Pence and Bill Barr, who totally failed as America First advocates.

    Trump learned his lesson and will come back ten times stronger, and a lot wiser. He gave two of the best speeches ever made by an American leader and he meant every word.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.