Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wednesday [1]

1.  Before even getting onto the day’s doings

... I need to get this clear about covid itself.  What I believe, deep down.  On lockdowns, check - they’re bad in the sense the govt are playing games and enslaving the people, bossing us about, paving the way for this horror global communism under an evil entity.  However, personally, I’m staying right away from people and only venturing out for sunshine and food.  A crowded room these days is just not my thang.

As for testing and vaxxes - no way known.  Every single thing wrong with them, nothing right.

Now covid, which I detest seeing in capital letters, as if it’s special.  It’s certainly a designer variant, to my mind, of something earlier, but now it’s some new horror they’ve made more resistant, more mutating than nature would have.  They’re playing God with us, using us as lab rats.

Plus, as Ripper says - it’s not been isolated so, in a way, it can’t exist and be innoculated against because it’s a construction for political reasons.  Yet it does hit some groups - the ones they want rid of.  And I’m in one of these groups, very much so.  But who’s to say it’s this one bug?  It could be any mutating bug which we always have around, esp. as the invaders brought much of it with them.  Plus people returning from OS.

Whatever the truth of it is, I’m no expert but we do gather material here, thanks to all.  We have an idea of what it is we can’t know because it keeps changing.  My views too are like the virus and politics - they mutate to meet new needs, if it’s solid what you and I are agreed on.

To summarise - what am I sure of?  The politics of it, masks are rubbish, tests are rubbish, political weapons, and the poison should not be had by anyone. Plus there are precautions anyone should take - pure liquid, good diet, exercise, isolation afap, plus entertainment, conversation and fun. Plus we’re being used as lab rats - certain of that.  Plus if we connected with our Maker, one by one as we wake up, we’d stand a better chance of resisting the commies.  But that’s voluntary, like taking the poison still is.  I’m dead against coercion, compulsion.  I’m certain of all that at this moment.

What am I all at sea on?  Well - the question of what exactly this bug or these bugs are.  They either don’t know or they know but can’t say.

1 comment:


    That one ^^^is a shorter version of this next one I think. Am watching this one atm.


    This whole v/LD/jab scenario is a typical "problem, reaction, solution", is it not?

    France update: non-essential stores opened from today, curfew still in place but now 9 p.m. not 7 - yippee [sarc]. Indoor restaurants still closed.


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