Monday, May 10, 2021

Possible mission statement for nourishing obscurity

With about 20,000 posts under the nourishing obscurity heading to date, you'd expect a mission statement would have been written by now.  I suppose it's still evolving but this video gets pretty close in a few areas, such that an abridged transcript is going to take hours to write out but needs doing.

Black Pigeon and two ladies summarised, in 2017, where western society was at that point and how we should and should not engage with it:

Abridged transcript

Characters are BP [Canadian Black Pigeon], TMcC [British Tara McCarthy, on our left of screen] plus BrP [American/Austrian Brittany Pettibone in 2017]. JH is where I intrude my own thoughts and recollections along the way.

It's not word for word [hence the word "abridged"] but you can judge how much of the essence I got once you're through.

To the question - what started BP down this path:

BP:  It was motivated initially by the migrant crisis of 2015 and train stations in Europe overrun by ladies with placards reading "refugees welcome, we love you", squealing and clapping, entranced teenage girls to a boy band.  It was just mindnumbing because the inevitable conclusions, the inevitable outcomes of hordes coming in from the middle-east ... because I have lived in the middle-east and I know a little about the sexualised culture of the middle-east ... I knew exactly what was going to happen ... it took only a couple of months and you had Cologne.

[JH: Around 2001, Russian townspeople from the place I lived who'd always gone down to the river for a summer break of one week, two weeks, were met with a stern refusal for the first time ever - the govt had imported about two dozen Somali youths, the poor unfortunates, and the camp was being made over to them.  The townspeople could do as they wished - go home, forego their pre-paid holidays?  Within two weeks, it had all ended and Putin had returned the hard done by refugees to Somalia.  Any idea why?  I shan't be saying.  So 2015 was long after this thing had started.]

BP continues in response to TMcC:  [Young] women, unfortunately, behave in a different way to how men do and to say we have equally evolved and have equal faculty is simply not true.  And observing this, it was clear reminder what [young] women being enfranchised would lead to, politically.  It completely moved our society over to the left.  If it had been dead centre before, now dead centre was moved hard left.

BrP: Youtube channels are vastly dominated by men. From what I've observed, a lot of women are not politically educated and tend to vote empathetically and emotionally.  Comment?

BP: I'd agree with this point - once a woman has children, [she'll] generally start waking up, politically, looking at political platforms - how that could affect them as a family. Younger women are retarded and shouldn't be given the vote.

[JH: I'd add pussified males as well to the pre-enfranchisement list, fresh out of socialism training college and raring to get to the streets and start the revolution, with their professors cheering them on.]

BP:  [Also] I don't think people who pay no taxes and receive benefits should be allowed to vote. If you enfranchise everyone, people will end up voting the treasury to themselves.  How can you win in an electorate where over 50% [in Obama's time] are on welfare?  These people absolutely do not contribute to the society.  They are net receivers of taxes.  You can't have a society where people are voting other people's money to themselves.

[JH: I'd add that not only do they not contribute but they are in the vanguard on the streets, rioting and protesting, whilst contributors are locked away at work.]

BrP:  Why has it moved left since women are voting?

BP:  Women rely far more on the support of a group than men do.  In former days, if a woman divorced, it was a scandal, and she could well end up in poverty.  So she had to make damned sure she had the right one who would continue to support her.  Women look for other means to protect themselves if things go wrong and that is govt and policies which give handouts.  The blacks in the US have been destroyed by handouts.  so much for Lyndon Johnson.

[JH:  A reminder again that this is not a word for word transcript but it does convey the key points made.]

TMcC:  You could have a rule where you have to be 

a.  married
b.  have children
c.  you pay more taxes than you use

Good idea?

BP:  Absolutely.  You have to earn the right to be a citizen.  A contributing member of society, not a parasite.  Look at the horrendous rates of tax.  Always more money for migrants, not for homeless men.  I've spent a lot of time in Europe and it's mortifying to see it go down in a ball of flames, with everyone smiling and clapping it along.

There was the situation in England, in Rotherham where over 1400 girls were raped, involving the authorities - no one would speak up for fear of being called racist.  It's interesting living in non-western countries [he was in Japan in 2017] and they don't understand, they think you're making it up, somehow you're on drugs because no sane society would act this way.

Men that leave their comfort zone and live somewhere other than home for some time tend to be more red pilled.

[JH:  Maybe but he does not mention the women who travel and see things too.]

TMcC:  I've travelled too and have found that.

BrP:  Until you've lived somewhere and seen the contrast, you can't get a real [perspective on how things are].

BP:  Don't have a frame of reference, no.

[JH:  The three then spoke of the MSM, basically what we all see here that they're the pits, working to an agenda, gutless etc.  They mentioned being approached by journos for "fair, balanced" interviews and if you're on the right, you have to refuse because whatever they print or show will be a hit piece on you.]

TMcC:  Yes, they just lie to you.  I was looking at what one wrote on Brittany and was thinking - these people have a vendetta against you.  Why?

BrP:  They have such an intense hatred for right wing people ... and maybe women too who supported Trump. How could you, you're betraying your sex ... and so on.

[JH:  They speak of cultural appropriation and full on attacks on people, now escalating.]

BP:  It's being retriblalised - the whole movement is towards the retribalisation of nation states.  These nation states came out of shared language, culture, values.  Now you're seeing the importing of people who have absolutely nothing to do with each other.  They often despise one another.  And this has to do with so many women voting for Trump, they're seeing this, waking up.  They can see what's coming down the pipe ... and it's not pretty.  It's not going to be peaceful.

[JH:  Brittany mentions anything you did to try to please the left was never enough - diversity quotas, whatever - they'd always disagree or get mad at you for one reason or another.]

TMcC:  They're just crazy, it's total BS.

BrP:  They're just not used to losing, that's it I think.  They cannot stand it. They haven't lost in so long.  and we haven't won in so long so we're kind of ... staggering a bit.  It all happened so fast.

BP:  They were stunned, first with Brexit, then with Trump and I'm wondering what's coming next.

[JH: This vlog was made in 2017 and we're all now in 2021.  We know what happened in January, what the strategic retort to their losses has been.]

BrP:  I'm thinking of what would it have been like now, had Hillary won.  I think it would have escalated very very quickly.]

BP:  I think it would too because they want violent reaction in order to justify ... you know, tightening the screws.  They would have gone way overboard at once, rather than done it by increments.

[JH: Prescient.  Yes, it would have been like under Biden.]

BrP:  As we're now redpilled, increments will no longer work - they'll have to do it that way.

[JH: Blitzkrieg.]

BP:  Yep, they got them in in Germany, they did it under blair in Britain, think it was Jack Straw who said they sent out search parties to bring in so many people, so they would be able to rub diversity in the noses [of the indigenous right].  Change the population so it can never be reversed.

[JH: At this point, today, look at the London census numbers announced today, Khan in for three more years.]

BP:  They've lost the working class on both sides of the Atlantic, the working class understands ...

[See Hartlepool.]

BP ... they've lost their voting base so what are they going to do?  They're going to import a new one.

TMcC:  Like Sweden's ad campaign - we can't go back now, this is the new Sweden, we have to integrate with [the newcomers].  so do you think western civilisation stands a chance of surviving the next 500 years?

BP:  The west has been up against a lot worse adversaries with much worse odds. We had the Ottoman Empire, slavers trolling the Med and the Atlantic , way up to Ireland, for hundreds of years, it took 800 years to expel the Moors from Spain.  The west's endured the Black Death, the endless cycles of war between the different kingdoms, the west was born in a cauldron.

The thing is - we've never had [before] so many who were part of a fifth column, made up of feminists, Antifa, all other assorted [groups] of people who hate their own society and want to see it be destroyed.  It's not only fighting an external enemy, it's fighting an internal enemy.  It's  a symptom of the west's illness.  Islam is arriving to fill a vacuum.

Hard times create strong [people], they create good times, good times create ... and so on.  We are definitely living at the end of something right now - the current cycle of western civilisation.  Just as in Rome where unassimilable immigrants destroyed it.

BrP:  What is the greatest flaw of western society right now?

BP:  Pathological altruism.  altruism is noble, a good thing, but when you're pathological to the point of burning down your own house, then that's a seriously fatal flaw.  People could point to hedonism, people could point to sloth.  We're saying well, we've got this great society handed to us by our forefathers who did have to build it, it was built by blood and sweat ... we're all comfortable.  So let's invite anyone in and see what happens then.

Of course it's not working, so we say oh, it must be our fault - if we could just me more accepting, more tolerant, then maybe it will work.  And it just keeps happening.  Sweden, the UK, Canada.  It's our fault girls are being raped.  

Pathological altruism.

[The solution] is built into the traditional Christian foundation of the west.  People say well I don't go to church.  It doesn't matter in this sense - the values are inbuilt into the society in which you live, whether you realise it or not.  And I'm not Christian by the way.

BrP:  I would think a very large factor is we've been so demoralised - the dominant culture has lost all sense of morality, it's been turned upside down.

[JH:  Absolutely.  Hook up culture has destroyed interpersonal realtions and that in turn has destroyed all relations between people - trust, shortchanging someone ... and so on.]

BP: That goes back to the vacuum created by the loss of religion in the west - it set the standards, which set the tone [knowing right from wrong].  Even if it was a person who wasn't particularly religious, it was in society what was acceptable and what wasn't.  since we've lost that, the vacuum is filled with multiculturalism, nihilism, and Islam.

[JH:  I'd add the State as replacement God, from cradle to grave.]

BP:  In Sweden [in 2017, at his site at the time was the link], a court has just ruled that not to condone child marriages is "culturally insensitive".  What's next?  Because at the moment, there is no morality - nothing is right and nothing is wrong.  There are no guidelines.

[JH:  Do as thou wilt - shall be all points of the law.]

BP:  To deny people their "rights" is immoral because their are no morals, no rights.  [That's the logic.]  Eyes to see, ears to hear - it's not blackpilling, it's there in front of you.

BrP:  What's the best way to defeat cultural marxism?

BP:  Well for a start, they're eating themselves.  If you look what they're working towards - they are suicidal.  They are bringing everyone else down with them.  this is what cultural marxism means - it wants to destroy the west.  What we need to do is keep shining a spotlight on their stupidities, the failure of their ideology their ideology

Stop trying to fight them because they're insane.  They're getting worse.  They've lost.  They sit in front of a webcam like zombies, chanting the mantra.  Don't waste your time, don't waste your life, don't waste your energy on these people.  They want you dead.

[JH:  See the NHS and the elderly.]

BP:  They're turning on each other. 

[JH:  See the feminazi versus tranny thing.]

BP:  My advice therefore is just let them keep on eating themselves, keep shining a light on them.  They're losing it, they're losing the argument.  Don't let up but don't engage with them.  Let em destroy themselves.

That's it, folks

Next?  DR and Steve here are still optimistic, I'm wait and see.  the Empire did strike back in January and are wreaking havoc across that land, there are signs it is going to turn around.

The PTB are most certainly geared up for and wanting civil war, started by us of course.

Update from Lindsey Shepherd

This is along the lines that Black Pigeon spoke of - how they eat their own.  She is now disgusted by it all.


  1. Re Lindsey Shepherd: The labels left and right, and many other labels, mask complex truths rather than help reveal them. They are not helpful, in my opinion; and are commonly used to shut down debate rather than engage in it.

    1. In this case, quite agree and it is thrashed out at 9 p.m. in a further interview. Fascinating watching it.

  2. Steve

    The internet has surely improved our understanding of the greater world around us, however the downside is in what this lady has to say:

    Blake Lively Gives Emotional Speech on Child Pornography


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.