Wednesday, April 07, 2021


3.  Dolores Cahill revisited

If you go back to that post:

... it was left up in the air with me refining the search DR provided:

My conclusion is that the MSM article was defamation, she is very much involved in the field, though not specifically on this vaccine or that - but she was certainly inside the medical buildings.  Against that, as with any doctor's estimates at a crime scene, the question is the quality of the opinion.  Plus she's an SJW all right - only on "our" side.

Therefore, her warning about scenarios in that yellow screenshot should be taken as seriously as any other.  it should at least give pause to anyone contemplating getting the poison jab.

2.  Reply to the map of Africa

I didn't pay it too much attention but some new citizen of a certain colour perhaps trotted out a colonial map of Africa and which Euro nations had what.  This was some wag's reply:

1.  Govt’s forked tongue sophistry

Dr David McGrogan, an Associate Professor of Law at Northumbria Law School. He is unconvinced by the Government’s claims that it can do nothing to stop employers introducing ‘No Jab, No Job’ policies:

What is for sure is that the Government’s position, as ever, is one of naked dissembling. Since March 23rd last year Government ministers have used their purported powers under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 to force businesses to close, to require the wearing of face masks in shops or public transport, to prevent people ‘mingling’, and much more besides. The scale of the interventions have been hitherto unimaginable. 

Yet when it comes to vaccine passports, all of a sudden the Government has discovered that we are best left to our own devices after all. It “believes that introducing a ban on [vaccine passports] would in most cases be an unjustified intrusion on how businesses choose to make their premises safe”, we’re told by a spokesman. 

Another source says the Government is “resigned” to the fact that employers will bar people who have not been vaccinated, and that it would not “legally be able to stop employees demanding [vaccination] as a condition of employment”. 

That’s right: it would be wrong – an unjustified intrusion, indeed! – to ban employers from requiring their employees to be vaccinated, or pub or restaurant owners from demanding it of customers. Moreover, it wouldn’t “legally” be possible at all.


  1. Got a lump in my throat.

    1. To save readers having to access Twitter, a comment below the clip summed it up:

      "Man in his 90s sitting in court because he got pulled over by a cop for driving too slow because he was bringing his 63 year old son who has cancer to the doctors office to get blood work.

      It’s a feel good story but wtf, Why did it even get to this?"

    2. A win for common sense and compassion, imho.

  2. Steve

    2. Reply to the map of Africa

    Here's another:

    Breaking news: Europeans colonised Africa


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