Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Sixties actresses and standover merchants

Two-themed post.

My fave 60s actress is Suzan Farmer.  There was a whole crop of them from Annette Andre to Justine Lord to Sylvia Sims but this one really had something special.  Methinks it was that she was no femme-fatale, not a drop dead stunner, just an ordinary gal who could scrub up well and look the goods if she tried. And in my book, it's that very slight missing of the perfection ceiling which lifts her to the perfect.  Imperfection is perfect.


One TV episode, a cut above IMHO, in which she didn’t get all that much screentime, but in which Warren Mitchell did, was this:

Which in turn raises the whole issue again of standover tactics - in our case, the govt trying to strongarm people over the gene modification poison.  Just taking the issue in this episode for the moment - state governor on holiday in Rome, daughter is kidnapped, ransom is life for a life - if the thug's brother is released, the girl will be released, if not ... then not.

Governor's dilemma - the brothers are vicious murderers, if released it sets a precedent.  If not, governor's daughter is murdered. His call.

Did I write two-themed post?  Try three. There is another [cough] theme here which is not all that complimentary to a lady ... and that is age.  You see, she was born in 1942.  In her mid 60s heyday, she was early 20s but I was still a whippersnapper.  Doesn't mean I wouldn't have tried it on - just that it would have been without any great hopes of success. And anyway, what did Roger Moore and Ian McShane have in those days which I didn't, apart from a substantial tadger?

And now, in 2021, she's been gone sometime, plus my parents and entire family - just a few holdouts left in the older bracket, which I'm not far away from.  Yikes - it has truly flown, time.

Lily Langtry was in her prime in 1878, departed 92 years ago.  The Who's median prime was 1968, most have gone or are about to croak it. Yikes.


  1. It's an odd feeling to watch old movies and run across a beauty one hasn't seen before, just to know they're old or gone. Caught Nathalie Delon in "When Eight Bells Toll." A poor man's Bond girl, if there ever was one.
    "Pictures of Lily," indeed.

  2. Steve

    Lusted after Gabrielle Drake in my early teens - her and a dozen others on tele at the time, but not Susan Stranks for some reason.

  3. Just watched 'Deadfall' (1968). Giovanna Ralli is one to add to the list.


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