Monday, April 05, 2021

On your terms, not theirs

No doubt in these covid lockdown times, many of us are taking in copious movies and TV episodes and I was watching one which we might or might not run [not this Wednesday, another movie on Wednesday].

Plot was basically that someone had a vendetta against the main protagonist and not just he but the girl was in danger as well.  Parallels with today were uncanny with all these psy-ops by govt - offering the hope and relief, then snatching it away, then later offering it again, to the point I'm seeing so many tweets, gabs, comments on blogs and in the MSM which show these ghouls that people are not coping well at all - this is all about demoralisation, final stage, after which the Great Hope comes in and offers to deliver us all from it, providing we snitch and turn in our neighbours, family etc. ... you know the pack drill.

Obviously the main protagonist is going to be Mr. Cool throughout and it struck me that there are RL parallels here. What they're feeding off, the ghouls, is despair and anger - they love it, so the obvious reaction is not to give them what they want. Trouble is, they then work on people close to you, go through them - you'd have to really hate someone.

But that was not the really intriguing part in this screenplay.  When he finally came face to face with the tormenter, the tormentor's recollection of the incident in question was entirely different to that of the main protagonist, the latter stopping a maniac in his tracks years ago, now his brother wants revenge over a fantasy construction of the circumstances.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we have in RL too, even with close friends.  I received a letter from a friend saying she'd had her jab with 'no ill effects' and was going to have the second, so she disagreed with my 'opinion'.  As if it was my opinion alone.  The essential difference between the two 'opinions' is that one is happy to coerce everyone else who disagrees, with cabal, govt and sheeple also colluding to beat down any dissident ... versus our 'opinion' in which we cite data and are disparaging about sheeple but that's it.

One thing no one's being is quite calm and collected.  Yet it's a good strategy.  Mate of mine was at a meeting, some loon started the Wokespeak, my mate laughed, the other took umbrage. 'Oh I'm sorry,' apologised my mate, 'I thought you were pulling everyone's leg.  Grand joke.'

One thing I keep getting is mail saying they'd been 'trying to contact me'.  Strange, I never saw any emails to the Inbox.  I once did phone a utilities company who said they'd phoned and phoned. 

'Why?  I just use email,' said I, 'except for about six people in the phone book, known-knowns.'  

'We do not email,' she explained. 

'Ah,' said I, that explains it then,' and left it at that.  

'Are you not on the phone?'


For days now, the term I've been using is 'non-cooperation' but that's not strictly true.  There are channels open if they care to use them ... just not their channels, that's all.  IMHO, not sufficient numbers are adopting this approach and maybe it's time we all did.


  1. WKPD: "A protagonist ... is the main character of a story. The protagonist is at the center of the story, makes the key decisions, and experiences the consequences of those decisions. The protagonist is the primary agent propelling the story forward ..."

    So "main protagonist" doesn't make much sense.

    1. Sorry, I do not [fully] agree and shall set out my reasons in a post called Tuesday coming up. It’s a good point you make though.


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