Tuesday, March 02, 2021


4.  Too white ... outta sight

3.  Yvonne C

Nice weather, UK people in parks: On Sunday night the Chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents rank & file officers in the UK’s biggest force, said: “Police don’t want to police this. We have had enough of this. It is not policeable. It is not manageable.”

2.  Overstretched NHS

1.  Just saw this about Fenians

For those unaware of the history, Bobby Sands was a cold-blooded IRA terrorist who planted a bomb in a furniture shop in Belfast. The blast killed 4 people including 2 children. Sands & his gang shot two policemen as they fled the scene.


  1. Somewhere in the attic I found an obit of a policeman killed in Loughmacrory by the IRA who had an identical name as my grandfather.
    A distant relation? We'll never know.

  2. DR - Ms "Circle back" Psaki is in trouble.



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