Saturday, March 06, 2021

Acting in good faith [or not]

Quite miffed just now, not only with things out there we're having to put up with publicly but also something privately this evening.  I'll not go into great detail about the private one but am most certainly going to rant about the public one.

Let's start here, for those who can still access it:

And the other footage I'd like to show:

Lady called jojo:
My sister caught virus pneumonia as a baby. Our family doc took one look at her in her cot and ran to the phone box at end of street to call for ambulance.
Another called Paula:
When I was 4, I got measles, I almost died. I was too ill to be moved to the hospital, raging temperature & delerious. My family doctor stayed with me all night, that is true dedication. He’d have never hid behind a receptionist & phone. What happened?
Another called Annie McF:
Basic pay for an Army recruit in training-£15,985
Basic pay for a nurse in training - £24,907
Army Corporal - £31,869
Nurse after qualifying - £33,384/35,000

Our boys sign up to lay their lives on the line for us. Get little support for PTSD, housing & injuries. Can’t strike!
Steve Scalise:
Every single American should be OUTRAGED by this: Democrats just voted to ban voter ID nationwide and force every state to permanently expand mail-in voting.
Lady called Helen Fairey:
Today my straight A student daughter, who has never put a foot wrong had her name taken by the police. She was outside riding her bike with 2 friends.The absolutely ridiculousness of this when she was putting nobody at risk, from power mad police job worths makes my blood boil!
Buzz Patterson:
What were all these big talking Republicans doing when the GOP had the House, Senate and Oval Office? They're all big now, but back then couldn't get squat done.
This, by Proud Army Brat, was one which really hit home for me:
I’m not going to be in a “forgiving” mood for FOUR years, so to anyone who has “moved on” from the illegitimate election & has subsequently become soft, we have nothing in common. Im not interested in unity, patience, or love for all. Any disregard for this theft is contemptible.
On the other hand, this stupid woman annoys the hell out of me:
I'll be leaving in 10 min to walk over to the GP surgery for my #COVID19 #vaccination.  A bit nervous. Wish me luck.  [Carole Rogers]
After everything which has been presented, at great risk to them in many cases!  And let's not even bother with whining Me-again on Oprah.

All right, one more piece of footage:
That'll probably do it for now in the public sphere.  

Now to the semi-public sphere of the blog. People have lives, chores, family, all sorts and so one cannot expect constant attention. All we can reasonably expect is for people we like and respect to 'show willing' at least sometimes.  

That's a different thing to 'acting in good faith', as it's to do with division of time - it can have a lot to do with health as well.

It's a dangerous thing to be miffed over the allocation of time towards us because mostly, we can't know how things are for the other person.  I want to make that distinction clear because what miffs me this evening is something firmly within the 'not acting in good faith' category.  Nothing to do with time allocation or prioritising.

Those dancing and cavorting doctors and nurses do appear to be squarely within the 'micturation extraction' category, doing dirt on us whilst moaning about themselves.  It seems that way, it is taken as such by the public.

However, however, you know what I half suspect, as it's difficult to imagine these people being soooo without any sensitivity - I wonder if any nurses are reading this?

What I strongly suspect is that the whole Tik Tok dancing thing was not done in that spirit at all.  

Let me paint this word picture - the admin gets off the phone and comes out of the office, says to the heads of staff - look, if you can just get the staff do this for us and film it, we could then have that new radiology machine or whatever.  

So, in good faith, they start choreographed dancing, completely oblivious as to how it's going down with the general public.

You see, Boris had stepped out of N10, had he not, he'd urged everyone up and down the country to clap, many did, the MSM came in right behind him and extolled the nurses to the public.  So they're thinking to themselves gosh, people love us under these tough conditions.  

I really can imagine how this false take on how it went down came about.  Iago would be proud.

So who's to blame?  Well obviously those behind the scenes pulling the strings of course, calculating the best way to have the nation at loggerheads.  A very similar thing happened decades ago in Rwanda.  In flies Kissinger and within a month - conflagration.  Kosovo - in flies CIA/NATO and guess what?  Ditto Darfur, Vietnam.

Friedan did the same in playing on women's sense of resentment of the male in the early 60s.

These are evil muvvers, the whisperers, the wormtongues, acting diametrically opposite to good law and order. Let's name one - Cressida Dick.  And another I must not name but it rings a Bell.

So yes, we can see why the enemy is acting in anything but good faith - we see the moves, we see the result.  We know the agenda.

Let's now move onto the personal.  There are those who some years back were making accusations at me which were, frankly, false.  There are many things I do do wrong - you do the crime, you do the time - but this wasn't them.  It did take me a long time to wake up.  

What one should thereafter do is just stay away, cease engaging in hostilities, leave it at that, keep to ourselves.  But have you noticed - they can't leave it be.

Just as with the DemRats in the States, they can't leave it at that. They have to come into your space and punish you!  For not seeing it their way presumably.  And to be fair, just like the Donald, we do dish out the insults at the numbskulls, so I'd expect they'd dish out the insults over there as well. 

Let's move onto bad faith itself.  Publicly, we see it in the way Carrie Johncock are acting - they were given a mandate to to do as it said on the front of the lectern, they failed to.  Go back to Proud Army Brat above and I agree - no way am I going to let bygones be bygones when the other side are actively escalating the bad faith.  No way.  Remorse must always precede any reconciliation, otherwise it's just empty words, a waste of our time.

This evening I decided that unless a certain person no one reading this knows, someone in the north-east of America - unless she ups her game, I'll not bother any further.  In fact, it's so Me Me Me that it outdoes Sparkle, it parallels what those evil muvvers in DC and London are doing - we marvel at how they could possibly see how that could be acceptable behaviour.  In short, they turn us into bunnies if we accept it.

Trying to finish this post up, back to the public sphere again - here we all are, in good faith, expecting some sort of decent meeting in the middle and it finally dawns that there is zero good faith from them - none.  

That is an awful moment for anyone who has been trying to negotiate in good faith because universally, they're acting as though they're oh so reasonable and for us not to take it as such is a hate crime.  That's the bottom line.

They can get knotted.

1 comment:

  1. Toodles.
    It seems to me James that if you are dealing with someone on a personal level who is a 'Me Me Me that it outdoes Sparkle' individual and you are expecting anything more from her behaviour in regards to you and to what you are alluding then you are disregarding the very point(s) you have made and attempt to make here almost daily.

    Why would you beat a turnip? It will stay a turnip no matter what. But each to his own.

    As far as getting knotted I am afraid it will be you who gets knotted if you expect 'that sort' to really act in 'good faith' or even to read this post. Would a Sparkle actually read this blog and especially this post about herself unless it was praising her to high heavens and to even actually get your point?? And to really care? Ask Haz.

    Here is hoping you can resolve the issue and get yourself unknotted, if that is what you want. Expecting seeds to flourish on fallow ground is stoopid and certainly you are not that.


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