Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday too

14. Friday's open road

I've not the specific url, here is the site. Great site, terrible navigation.

Jawdropping and brings in the question of Trust, also the name of my current book I've almost completed.

--More snippets--


"Just 8 minutes after receiving the...Right pointing backhand indexCOVID-19 vaccination, the 85-year-old the University Hospital of Heraklion in Crete....doctors suspect no link Thinking face to jab."


Overheard at a local vacc centre. “People are becoming difficult and wanting to read the whole leaflet before they are jabbed” Informed consent?


Does anyone seriously think the Government has spent £500 Billion to protect us from a virus that presents near 100% survivability for the vast majority of folks - of all ages. I just don’t buy it - even a bit..There’s something else going on.


Mike Pence declined invitation to speak at CPAC.


The real "Big Lie" being perpetrated is the media working together to silence anyone from questioning how the 2020 election was run as if any question is heresy. It’s not heresy to have questions and concerns. It’s very normal when the entire process was changed for a virus. [Robby Starbuck]

[Where I name, it's a pundit of some note]

8.  Power generation and the Usurper


  1. Injection of a vaccine into a muscle isn't going to kill anyone in eight minutes. (Any doctors here to confirm or refute?)

  2. Steve

    10. Mike Pence declined invitation to speak at CPAC.

    I'll bet, as the Roman's would say Mike Pence is non volebant..

    Peter Navarro (talking to Steve Bannon):

    'You start with Marc Short is a tool of the Koch Brothers. Who are the Koch brothers? They’re worth $50 billion. David died last year but the network lives. The Koch brothers are the biggest anti-MAGA movement in the whole entire Republican Party. They were dedicated, both in 2016 and 2020, to wipe out President Trump because they love the tax breaks, they love the deregulation, but what they don’t love is everything for the deplorables, the fair trade, the secure borders and defence spending…

    …The last thing the Koch brothers want is to pay another dime to the deplorables of this country.

    Now, Marc Short in 2016 pitched an idea to the Koch brothers where he was going to wipe out the Donald on Super Tuesday. He worked for Rubio and he came into that White House, he was incompetent.

    He failed as a legislative director, he failed running the task force for the Vice President, but he did tremendous damage because what he would always do is block whatever MAGA things that wanted to get done. He really was responsible for some of the failures of that task force to move.

    I had to push that task force with memo after memo to get him off his butt and he’s not a good guy.

    What Marc Short is about is getting Pence to be President of the United States or if he can’t do that to at least be rich. So that’s his mission…but Mike Pence basically left the Presidential race on January 6th…

    …What he did that day on the advice of Marc Short was to cut and run from the President of the United States and from the Constitution because you know what was going to happen on that day, Steve. It wasn’t violence it was the Green Bay Packers sweep where we were going to pull six different states and pull those out and force under the Constitution for those votes to be looked at and counted.

    And Marc Short, Marc Short was the guy who prevented that and there were people who were trying to get to the Vice President in the last 10 days before that date and Marc Short put a wall about.'


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