Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Wednesday too

11. Nor did Seth Rich or Vince Foster

10. DR just now

Comment from me tomorrow morn.

9. Interesting from a girl

8. In Geelong in Oz

There are a few issues with that one above. First is the deeply annoying paywall news which is not worth looking at anyway so one just notes headlines as they go by, then there is the issue of care homes themselves.

It has really got to the stage now where a family has to think carefully about dumping their elderly into these places once they're surplus to requirements. As we do to them, so the upcoming will do to us.

7. Dill overkill, with salmon and tatties


6. This is the worst kind - this is the obstacle


  1. Lunch: squash and chick pea soup. Our own squash, natch.

    Dinner will be cauli cheese (not our own cauliflower), followed by Biscotti con Vin Santo.

  2. Long time since I had cauli cheese. Decades.

    1. The secret is that into the rich cheese sauce you incorporate quarters of boiled eggs and some fried smoked streaky. Mmmmm.

  3. Lunch here was cauliflower cheese too with crispy bacon bits and leeks in the sauce. Later it is homemade carrot'n'ginger soup, crackers and pate.

  4. I think I've gotten my chili mojo back. The trick is to find the right balance between cumin, cinnamon and fresh peppers.

  5. Bacon & fried egg in a white bap for lunch. Yum.
    The first (& hopefully not the last) one of 2021... :)


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