Monday, January 25, 2021

Flushing out those baddies

Some interesting things happening at the same time.  In 2018/19, I think it must have been in response to the Trump WH and his habit of making some terrible appointments of people who would let him down, I altered some of the plot in one part of the long book [2:22 to 3:1] and I'd forgotten about it until going back over it now.

Here are two excerpts:

Now for a different question [she asked] – what on earth is this Citadel all about?’

‘A smokescreen, Nikki, an exercise, a way of flushing out the baddies – it ended up flushing out Emma.’

‘And this enemy within - I could tell you right now who that is.’

‘Then tell me why we’re going softly softly?’

‘To find out how high this person is, how far the connections extend.’

It was a fanciful way of explaining these appalling appointments in real life.  In the book, things start going awry of course, just as they did in the WH and the chief baddy [could be a Strzok, Brennan, Comey but I made it the head of the Treasury, had a phone call from the main traitor within:

‘Jamieson – just one moment.’

The thin female voice on the wire could be heard by Jamieson’s secretary, he looked at her pointedly, she gathered up some papers and went off to attend to other business.

‘I’m listening,’ breathed the light-grey suit and pink tie. ‘Uh-huh. Rattled, you say?  Threw the toys out? Good. Question of time.’

He rang off and a smile played on his lips. The bloody maverick didn’t have the least clue what was going on. But nor did he himself actually. He certainly hadn’t sent anyone but clearly someone with a grudge was doing a number on the Terrible Two.

He’d checked with Europe, he’d checked with the various place people, no one was saying anything. He only had to bide his time he was assured. The Maverick was going down.

You'll recall the Donald was not in deep do-dos at that point in 2018/19, not as he is now. In real life, I lost my partner-in-crime, both sites went down and in trying to set up two workable ones, all manner of posting and commenting troubles began, affecting our readers - right now in real time in fact - not only on these two sites.

At the same time, a friend I email with has also been having weird things happen.  And just to cap it off, my dental issues have flared up and the side of face has gone yellow and black. All at the same time.

Now, this seems a bit far-fetched for the screenplay of a film, way OTT in the melodrama department, so just forget I mentioned it.  :)


  1. Yellow and black side of face needs at least looked at urgently, and not just by you; but I expect you know that.

  2. Toodles here, trying again.

    Dr. D. It does sound urgent! For those who pray, now would be a good time to do that for James.

    1. I really should have not have mentioned it because it’s the type of bruising the legs sometimes had, connected to heart, localised patch, not all over and it’s thinned and cleared except for streaks over the past few hours while I’ve been on the move. Pretty sure it was where the jaw was jammed against the corner of a hard pillow I have, plus six hours sleep hardly helped it, though it helped me otherwise.

      If it does not continue this way, then I’ll go to A&E. No pain involved. Thanks both. I’m monitoring.

    2. Toodles. The closest I come to prayer is sending out emails and if there are higher powers available I unfortunately don't have their email addresses. I think James should discuss the issue with a pro; but perhaps he already has, in general terms.

    3. Dr. D. As I, Toodles, said 'for those who pray.' If you do not pray except through a kind of email prayer then the appeal I made would not include you of course.

      Also,this'one who prays' is not against medical intervention. Well, I am not against proper and good intervention and these days I am quite dubious of that being administered to common man.

      I have certainly been a recipient of medical intervention and have also been lifted in prayer and I am grateful for both.

  3. The other side of slumber, pleased to report that the ‘anger’ has gone out of it, will still see the ‘pro’ though. Ta to those who were concerned.


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