Tuesday, September 08, 2009

[what to tax next] france's novel approach

What they give with one hand, they take with the other:

Pour compenser la suppression de la taxe professionnelle, Bercy réfléchit à une taxe de 1 000 euros par antenne de téléphone mobile.

En plein débat sur les ondes radio, cette taxe n'a pourtant rien à voir avec la problématique des antennes et de leur effet potentiel sur la santé. Cette nouvelle taxe serait créée pour compenser partiellement la disparition de la taxe professionnelle, décidée par le gouvernement.

Tax on mobile phone antennae. Hmmmm. I wonder what other taxes they could dream up. Window tax? Here are some of the more bizarre taxes:

Peter the Great ... souls

Nero ... urine

Tennessee ... illegal drugs

If you were the taxman - what would you tax?


  1. Round-rimmed spectacles, dangly wooden earrings, beard trimmers.
    Serve 'em right.

  2. Are the French government a bit behind the times? Any aerials cells/mobiles/handies have are mostly internal now.

    If I were in charge of setting taxes I would probably try to tax less stuff smaller amounts not new stuff.

    How about headphones that can be heard from more than 6 inches away? Maybe tax them. And guys who insist on sitting with their legs wide apart on public transport.

  3. NNWer and Uber - might be the way to go.

    Moggs - they were referring to the companies' antennae for distributing the signal.

  4. I would tax politicians lies. That would replace every other tax we have and still take enough to fund the global warming scam, immortality and trips to other stars.

  5. I would tax those who could and would impose taxes on others.

  6. I'd only do land values, actually. But failing that, a tax on "guys who insist on sitting with their legs wide apart on public transport." seems like a good idea.


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