Sunday, September 20, 2009

[slice of history] caught forever on vinyl

Sorry - on a roll and can't help it. I've never seen a guy so scared his woman was going to soar above him. Trouble was, she did:

This was with the Crystals original singer Barbara Alston:

I don't know. I never thought I'd get nostalgic but there's a passion and power to this simple, harmonic music which is just not around now. This was from before my time so I can't say I grew up with it but it definitely has something I can't define and missed at the time.

Was it that they weren't into themselves as great celebrities and that they just loved singing for the sound of it?


  1. "Was it that they weren't into themselves as great celebrities and that they just loved singing for the sound of it?"

    Back then it was about the music; these days it is all about the image in the videos, most of which are basically bad pop music, lack of musical talent, and a lot of T and A.


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