Sunday, September 13, 2009

[sherlock again] who is married to whom

[Just a little word about the CRB post. As there are too many posts up today, this has been rescheduled to tomorrow morning, for those who were perhaps wondering although it is readable in RSS.]

"Well, I never,' muttered Watson. "I thought you told me, Holmes, that Pamela Butler's sister wasn't married to Terence Corrigan?"

"Ah, the Hampshire Mystery. That's right, Watson."

"Well look at this biography of Lord Haylesham."

Holmes took the book and his face underwent a change, his lips pursed, his brow furrowed and he slowly let out a long breath.

"I see, Watson. So they appear to have been married after all. That changes everything, you do see that, don't you?" Holmes read on further. "Hmmmm, not only that but the stockbroker, Arthur Hawes, has never met Patricia Raybourne who is an only child."

"And yet," added Watson, "if that biography can be believed, Arthur Hawes, Gerald Collins and Terence Corrigan are married to Pamela Butler, Susan Partridge and Patricia Raybourne."

"So it appears," agreed Holmes, "only who is married to whom?"

It took Holmes eight minutes to come up with the solution. How long will it take you?


Arthur Hawes + Pamela Butler, Gerald Collins + Patricia Raybourne, Terence Corrigan + Susan Partridge


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