Wednesday, September 23, 2009

[politicians] the unpopularity quiz

I'm sure you can name all of them but who are the most unpopular, 1 for most unpopular of the four and 4 the least unpopular?


  1. Depends which side of the pond you are at. They are all hated by someone and I doubt any would get the tag 'least unpopular'.

    How did you end up with the two best pictures I have ever seen of Pelosi and Clinton? Clinton looks like she is contemplating swallowing because there is nowhere to spit and Pelosi, the chipmunk and one of Indias sacred cows almost almost look human in those photos.

    Photographers have been warned before. Don't photograph children and animals.

  2. Bloody Hell, that's a tough one. I'd rate them all with a "1" for most unpopular.

  3. The bleary chipmunk.
    Horrid Harbinger.
    Nancy Corosi.

    As for who's most unpopular - with whom? Anyway, the one who's probably doing most damage is Nancy Corosi.

  4. All very interesting but I do think Pelosi is doing the most damage ... or maybe Harman ... no, no, Hillary ...

  5. This is what happens when you give women and eunuchs the vote.

  6. Most damage is a different question.

    Pelosi, Clinton, Harman then Whatsername the Ginger bird.

    Mainly because that is the order of power they have. If the chipmunk had more power she would screw upmore by default.


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