Wednesday, September 02, 2009

[old lady's dog] booked for parking offence

Blue heeler dog

British traffic numpties could take a leaf out of their Australian colleagues' book:

A blue heeler dog has been booked for illegal parking after inspectors taped a ticket to the dog's leash at a shopping centre. The blue heeler was tied to a fence outside Darwin's Rapid Creek market when it was approached by two city council traffic wardens, the Northern Territory News reports.

One of the inspectors wrote out a ticket - and taped it to the dog's lead. Witness Ray McEvoy said he couldn't believe his eyes. "I watched an elderly lady and her very faithful blue heeler roll up at the market," he said. "Then two traffic inspectors came along. They had a bit of a talk and, to my amazement, wrote out a warning infringement notice for the dog and taped it to his lead rope."

Council spokesman Grant Fenton said a dog was considered to be "at large" if the owner was not there.

Parking ticket. For a dog.

Do you think jobsworths are becoming more stupid, more vindictive or less capable in the brain these days? Do you think the council takes them away for mind-control trauma training? Are they fearful for their jobs?

What TF is going on?


  1. It's lucky the dog didn't crap on the pavement... otherwise they might have run out of tickets.

  2. "Do you think the council takes them away for mind-control trauma training?"

    Common Porpoise, anyone?

  3. The less power an official has, the more he likes to use it.

    Trends in the hiring of such enforcement officials has gone from brains being optional to brains being discouraged. We don't wonder why.

  4. "Do you think jobsworths are becoming more stupid, more vindictive or less capable in the brain these days?"

    Thanks to 'Education, education, education' Nu Labour, that's the case for all the populace that goes through comprehensive schooling, isn't it?

  5. Why did we not prevent this when it was first occurring?

  6. People have become lazy and don't think for themselves anymore.

  7. yes, Cherry, no wonder when they've learned to let others do the thinking for them...Let them be entertained!


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