Saturday, September 19, 2009

[jihad japes] holding out for those 72 virgins

There's a pretty blogger with a lot of pro-activity [which my mate admires] and with a pretty neat blog too. One thing which puzzles me is why she is so supportive of our troops in Afghanistan and at the same time, is railing against Islamophobia, which [officially] put the troops there in the first place?

"Islamophobia" is one of those weasel words, one of those emotive catchcries, easily delivered by the mindless or the clever and cynical, which assumes and insinuates that there is something sick in anyone who opposes Islamicization and in Islam itself, the way the Imam's teach it - assumes and insinuates it without allowing right of reply.

So here is the reply to that weasel word.

Quite frankly, there is a problem. That problem can be seen here, for a start and the comments on those posts leaves the MCB in no doubt of the depth of feeling on the issue in this country. Against that, on the personal front and leaving the political issue aside, I've had Muslim girlfriends, was considering marrying a Muslim and was also considering becoming one.

Islamophobia is not a dirty word but it's dirty in the way it's just been sprayed around at anyone who opposes the takeover of our society by Islam, which is Islam's stated aim.

So sorry - no, we're not putting up with that.

This politico-social movement, masquerading as a religion, spawns terrorists, the whole world is aware of it, even the buddhists and sikhs and that's why our troops think they're over in Afghanistan [whether the real reason is that or not]. The aim of those troops who are laying their lives on the line daily, is to free the world of terrorism, by hitting at its source.

Every political issue has its black humour and this one of the takeover of the world is no different. Do you remember the following two clips?

From the Underdoug:

Another for good measure:

Now, are those clips racist or Islamophobic or what are they?

Like the Muslim cartoons in Denmark, they're just how one side of the conflict sees the other. So what? The Muslim media includes the most "appalling" vilifications of us and do we worry about it? Are we crying WASPaphobic or losing sleep over it? We might occasionally imagine a concerted rocket attack on all the major mosques which have supplanted peaceful churches the world over and which built on their very sites, particularly in Jerusalem, to give them some of their own back but we're not actually thinking of doing that in practice.

So we mock terrorists and the founder of the movement which created them. What are we inciting? We're inciting people to oppose and block Islamic expansion in our land. Not to stir up hatred of the ordinary Muslim but to cease planning permission for expansion, on the grounds that anywhere this has got a foothold in a community, anywhere in the world, it's led to trouble. From Darfur to London, the story's always the same.

It's to demand of the Muslims and the Jews and the Chinese and the Indians and Canadians that when you're in our land, you respect our heritage and do things with that in mind. It's to say to any minority group: "The tail does not wag the dog."

Who is "we"? Anyone out there who agrees with this point of view, that's all.


  1. I think I agree with your friend. Personally I'd go forward on these three assumptions.

    1. I support some military action against terrorists (depending on whether it has reasonable aims and can reasonably be expected to succeed in those aims etc.)

    2. I hate and despise Al Quaeda and any group that tries to tell me how to live my life. Consequently if a group like that uses violence to try and force me to live my life in a particular way- I am quite happy with the state using violence to stop them.

    3. There are plenty of Muslims out there who are not Al Quaeda who are tolerant and friendly and want just to live in the same community as me. I'm as happy living with them as with a Christian or a Hindu or a Sikh- why ever not? I disagree with you James that Islam neccessarily involves an ambition to conquer the world- most Muslims I know and most Muslims in the Uk don't share that ambition. Fundementally islamophobia is about them- people hurting them just because of their religion-that attitude I despise.

  2. You can support people who put their lives on the line yet disagree with what they are doing. Its their choice to defend their country (a worthy cause) but politicians that put them to war (not always in the right).

    I like the way they add phobia to everything to give the impression it is a mental issue. Homophobia, Islamophobia etc.

    Just because they want to vilify the messenger and silence any dissent. Its the lefts tactic of attacking the messenger not the message which is based on facts. A standard and well used tactic which is proven to work again and again.

  3. A major problem is political Islam. Islam was designed as a nation-state with the fuctions of a government. This is the part of Islam that is being defended and is the source of much of the warfare that is so common where Islam comes into contact with other parts of the world.

    Another major problem is that many 'good' people will defend politcal Islam. Take all of the good Germans and Japanese who fought for evil in World War II. Or how about the good southerners who fought for the evil of slavery in the U.S. Civil War? Many did not like slavery, nor did they own slaves. Yet they died by the hundreds of thousands defending it.

    This is why this war is much, much larger than the widespread irregular warfare that is actually being waged.

  4. They do have a point. Look how impossible things became for pederasty when the Spartans became a spent force. If you do not exercise your rights of navigation you will lose them. Polygamy, female mutilation, cousin marriage, submission, all could be lost in two generations living in the West. Except, perhaps, submission. That is the object in which socialist and Muslims have common cause.

  5. About those 72 virgins... Has anyone ever checked the small print? Age? Gender? Go earning yourself an unexamined reward of 72 virgins and some serious disappointment may ensue. (Or may not, of course, since oblivion is all that is really on offer, IMHO)

  6. And who needs a virgin anyway? Being innocent and inexperienced myself, I need someone to show me the ropes.


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