Thursday, September 03, 2009

[crashes] and things lurking in the night

# Judging by Letters from a Tory's Mybloglog, he had the same problem I did - Mybloglog seems to have crashed last night. It looks like it's recovering now.

# I had another crash yesterday - my sitemeter crashed between 10:30 and 20:00. This was more than annoying because of why - it was that I'd put a calendar in the sidebar. It was OK as a calendar but for some reason it twisted everything else on the site. As I don't have much java on this blog, it only attacked the java I have, e.g. sitemeter.

Maybe we should be very careful which widgets we run in the sidebar.

# Why do Blogger insist on running "p" in the html whenever we try to paste a quote? This doubles the workload, as we go throught the html, carefully deleting all the "p" references.

# You might like to check out Libertyphile, whose statistics seem to cinfirm what we thought the other day about Islam but he argues for Sharia Law.

If anything else comes up, I'll add it here, as and when.

1 comment:

  1. The MyBlog log crash makes it look like no one loves me any more ;-)


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