Sunday, August 16, 2009

[jagger] just a mannish boy next to muddy waters

Punch has the Jagger/Muddy Waters jam up and I commented:

White boy ain't got that soul. Fair enough - MW was guesting with the Stones but Jagger comes over as so weak. Great on his own stuff but best let this one alone.

Harry Hook also has this one up today:

Laugh? I almost wet myself. [The coffee almost spilt, you see.] Incidentally, if you look closely, you'll see Hookie posted in the middle of the night. Now that's dedication for you.


  1. I agree with you James, Jagger isn't suited to the blues, more like the reds considering his "poutfit", and as you say he was weak and mumbling.

    Stick to what you know is what I say, Muddy Waters is great though isn't he?

  2. MW was great, the Rolling Stones are great, Mick Jagger is great, what's the problem?

  3. Angus, agreed.

    Well yeah, Mark but I have to stir somehow.

    By the way, boys, I've added to the post now.

  4. I like the Rolling Stones but Jagger is out of his depth with Muddy Waters

  5. What a harpy! Who could blame him for a Monica Lewinsky?


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