Wednesday, August 19, 2009

[gun laws] and the cost of health care

This is not really a "right to bear arms" post although of course it is a good thing. It's interesting though:

A man toting an assault rifle was among a dozen protesters carrying weapons while demonstrating outside President Obama's speech to veterans on Monday, but no laws were broken. It was the second instance in recent days in which weapons have been seen near presidential events.

Though carrying weapons in the street is not a British tradition and even Brits who support the right to carry a gun at home would probably not be out there carrying one round in the treet, nevertheless I wonder how many firearms are concealed in British homes, from shotguns to more exotic fare.

The problem in Britain is more the ammunition side of things but that would be soon solved with relaxing the ban on certain weapons at home. It would be enough to put the wind up the government too and wipe the smile off certain faces.

However that's not what this post is about. There was another quote which stood out:

"I'm absolutely, totally against health care, health care in this way, in this manner," he said. "Stealing it from people, I don't think that's appropriate."

That sort of thing would not compute in the Obama brain. The BO sort of mind, in lower echelons, has this "love everybody" idea that we give universal health services to every single person, including the unemployable, the druggies, the crims - everyone and we rip off the productive or working population to give it to them.

The problem with this is that the middle class workforce is being destroyed and thus there's nothing left to rip off, so as there must be a source of money to pay for all this, it comes from overseas borrowing - debt. This seems a good plan to those of this mindset, those quite happy to rip someone else off to pay for them.

The thought doesn't seem to cross their minds that if the country just got off its butt and exercised, ate more healthily and worked, then the costs of healthcare would come down, health insurance would be affordable and the GP system would work just fine.


  1. People actually being self-responsible and independent; and, not needing the government at such a large and intrusive level?? Now, James, really...

  2. It's been said that if they were to tax everyone in America that pays taxes, tax 100% of their income, it still would not be able to equal the $1,000,000,000,000+ that this administration has already done in little over eight months. As for that guy open carrying, although I'm not sure how I feel about it personally, for the moment if the USSS has no problem with it, then neither do I.

  3. The difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time--Rand

    That rifle hanging on the wall of the working class flat or the laborer’s cottage is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there--Orwell

    To secure any degree of sobriety in the propositions make by the leaders in any public assembly, they ought to respect, in some degree perhaps fear, those whom they conduct--Burke

  4. Hence why I said at schools nuitrition and exercise should be taught , as well as CPR and First Aid.

    I would still rather live in a society where we looked after the less fortunate.Maybe we could get the money from clawing back some of the overly inflated ministers pay cheques so that taxes benefitted the people!


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