Saturday, August 22, 2009

[chez james] mcmuffin surprise

Sorry about the hazy photo this time

What do you do when the extra Egg Sausage McMuffin you bought and couldn't eat has been sitting in your bag all day?

Well, the first thing to realize is that McDonalds food never goes off. So it can be used again. :) The only question is what to put with it? That is answered quite easily if you failed to put the raw strip carrots away and they've started curling and when the florets of broccoli need eating today.

Having also inherited homegrown tomatoes today, then slices of marties can be combined with the McMuffin. Split the McMuffin in two and place meat and egg on the oven tray, preheated. Later, the bun halves can be put in.

Steam the torn florets and chopped carrot with pepper and honey, take out, add parmesan - don't puke, there's a reason. As you've combined sweet and savoury with the tomatoes in the McMuffin, you need to have the same sweet/savoury motif in the veges too.

Gathering up the courage, the eating of the meal was attempted and you know - it wasn't too bad at all. :)


  1. Never tried a McMuffin myself. Of course, I haven't been in a McDonalds in about 30 years; don't care for the food.

  2. Now you do realise you shouldn't go into McDonalds if you are looking for food don't you?

    That said you seem to have given it a certain something that makes it look edible ;-)

  3. How did you manage to do that, that is the second time today you commented in a minute of me commenting! :-)

  4. It comes to Google which is at hand, except for five blocked people who go straight to Trash.

  5. Well thats a relief I thought you had managed to implant something into my brain LOL

  6. LOL@ you two.

    I am sure even Mc Donalds can spoil,James.

    I have never had an egg McMuffin but I would not eat eggs that were hanging around all day.

    You are very inventive with food though.You would die if you knew how much I throw out[that is probably good] but I won't eat if it is expired.

  7. It's not the food to have more than once a fortnight but it's right near where I go in town and you know how it is ....


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