Tuesday, August 11, 2009

[channelling] what does hillary know of that

The Enemy occasionally slips up. Ostensibly letting her jealousy get the better of her:

They may be hailed as ‘Team Clinton’ for their international humanitarian efforts, but there was no mistaking who is the official top diplomat in the Clinton household when Hillary reacted angrily to a question about her husband Bill yesterday.

Less than a week after the former US President stole his wife’s thunder by securing the release of two American journalists detained in North Korea, Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, snapped when asked about her husband’s opinion by a university student during her seven-nation African tour.

... Hillary let something slip which few if any, IMHO, would have picked up on:

“You ask my opinion I will tell you my opinion, I’m not going to be channelling my husband,” she said.

Oh wow - that sticks out a mile. This, at the end of the link here, was most certainly the spirit in which she was using the term "channelling" - nothing whatever to do with digging ditches or running aqueducts under the State Department.

May I quote
just a little of it?

Mediumship is also part of the belief system of some New Age groups. In this context, and under the name channelling, it refers to a medium who claims to receive messages from a "teaching-spirit".

Teaching spirit. Hmmmmm. Teaching spirit coming into Hillary's and Obama's and Gore's and who knows who else's heads.

Right. Good.

Which teaching spirit? One which says, "Let's go into Iraq and Afghanistan perhaps"? You might like to look at this post again and its connection with the movers and shakers in Washington. Let me quote a little of it:

The Shamballa force is in reality Life itself; and Life is a loving synthesis in action. We also used the Six Laws and Principles of the New Age to lead us towards creating a vision of how these principles might create patterns for the New Civilization humanity will be constructing over the next 2500 years.

... or:

'What if a small group of these world leaders were to form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse? It's February. They're all at Davos. These aren't terrorists. They're world leaders.' 'They have positioned themselves in the world's commodity and stock markets. They've engineered a panic, using their access to stock exchanges and computers and gold supplies. They jam the gears. They hire mercenaries who hold the rest of the world leaders at Davos as hostages. The markets can't close. The rich countries -'

That last was not a New Age tree-hugger or a David Icke. It was Maurice Strong, cohort of the world leadership. Speaking of Maurice Strong:

"This guy is kind of the global Ira Magaziner," says Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign-policy studies at the Cato Institute. "If he is whispering in Kofi Annan's ear this is no good at all."

... with good reason:

During his college years at Brown University, Magaziner was one of the two architects of the "New Curriculum," a liberal academic approach which includes no core requirements aside from the concentration the student pursues.

These New Agers are serious kooks. The Left likes to speak of right-wing nuts, crazy people who believe in a free enterprise system and the rule of the family and of law. Truly kooky stuff. By comparison, the sane and noble Clinton speaks of channelling:

In 1875, Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founds the Theosophical Society. Madame Blavatsky claims that Tibetan holy men in the Himalayas, whom she refers to as the Masters of Wisdom, communicated with her in London by telepathy. She insists that the Christians have it all backwards - that Satan is good and God is evil. She writes: "The Christians and scientists must be made to respect their Indian betters. The Wisdom of India, her philosophy and achievement, must be made known in Europe and America."

Speech at Bohemian Grove. Notice the presidents.

Or we can look at the sanity of Bohemian Grove:

Few journalists have gotten into the Grove and been allowed to tell the tale (one exception is Philip Weiss, whose November 1989 Spy piece provides the most detailed inside account), and members maintain that the goings-on there are not newsworthy events, merely private fun. In fact, official business is conducted there: Policy speeches are regularly made by members and guests, and the club privately boasts that the Manhattan Project was conceived on its grounds.

San Francisco bureau chief for People magazine, Dirk Mathison, got in to the compound in 1991 and witnessed some interesting things:

He witnessed a speech -- "Smart Weapons" -- by former Navy Secretary John Lehman, who stated that the Pentagon estimates that 200,000 Iraqis were killed by the U.S. and its allies during the Gulf War. Other featured speakers included Defense Secretary Richard Cheney on "Major Defense Problems of the 21st Century", former Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano on "America's Health Revolution -- Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Pays", and former Attorney General Elliott Richardson on "Defining the New World Order".

Now, most people know about Alex Jones getting in there too and reporting burning crosses along the walkway at the ceremony of Cremation of Dull Care in front of a 40 foot stone statue of an owl, with priests in robes and a fire onto which a body [claimed by Bohemian Grove to be just an effigy wrapped in a sack] was rowed across a stream and laid, with the world's grey-haired movers and shakers in the congregation, including presidents, prime ministers and European royalty chanting along. Charles has been there.

Many dismiss Jones as a sensationalist, opportunistic loony but much of the detail he reported is confirmed by other sources, especially that of the Grove itself, who explain it away.

Either way - Grove? In New Age Paganism, that is a significant term.

What we have then, if hard-pressed by the New Age Left as to what we do actually have, is at least a nodding acquaintance with and a willingness to go along with the ceremonies of distinctly un-Christian practices by the major figures in the world economy, at the same time that they pay lip service to being Christian, to appease the Christian Right, itself distinctly un-Christian.

In a world view where almost anyone on the atheistic Left would strongly assert Rationality and the Age of Man and Science, this would have to be very unnerving because these are very much the trappings of religion - a savage, sacrificial religion too, dedicated to the other half of the Christian dichotomy. It seems the rationalist hoi-polloi might have expunged Christianity from the national consciousness and substituted hedonism and the rule of credit blowout but in fact, the leaders are following paganism and the nameless one.

Interesting, huh?

Look, let's call a spade a bloody shovel. These people are walking about groves and temples in their spare moments in cassocks and hoods, chanting mumbo jumbo. They are seriously insane in the sense that they give all the appearance of being quite sane, yet their policies are insane.

And they are in charge of us. They appointed themselves. We're in good hands, huh?

The sodomite boys club in action


  1. I'd put it down to PMT, but I think Hilary is well past that stage of her life, maybe it's just a case of big ego small brain:)

  2. That may be so, Angus but the fact remains that the term was sufficiently to the forefront of her consciousness to utter it.

    If there were no evidence whatsoever that the leadership is into this stuff, which would have been a believable view ten years ago when hardly anyone knew, then that would have been that.

    However, there is much evidence now that she and others are into it and these people are the ones with the finger on the button, who shape our policy. e.g. Iraq and Afghanistan.

  3. Perhaps james, but hasn't it always been so?

    There has always been the "old boys/girls club" politicians have always been involved in "odd" beliefs, it seems that when someone becomes sucsessful the first thing they do is attach themselves to religion or scientology or some other "life enhancing" craze.

    I think that the conspiracy thing has attached itself to everything nowadays, maybe she just used a word that she had heard cigar Bill using, and doesn't understand the implications of her words.

    This type of thing isn't new, it has been going on since Adam was a lad and will go on until we no longer have politicians (which will be never).

  4. I put it down to Hillary being annoyed that every question was about Bill. Nothing to do with her being a woman- everything with her being a human being!

    Not sure about this James- why should the choice of a metaphor mean that you actually participate in a rite. I can't help feeling that she just used a metaphor to express exactly what she wanted to express: that she wasn't Bill and couldn't answer questions on his behalf. New age stuff definitely was present in the Clinton White House though- I'd reccomend Francis Wheen's Mumbo Jumbo book- but it was in the Reagen White House too- I wonder if its a way of coping with the powers that we hand a President, particularly those of war and peace.

    As to paganism etc. I dislike it myself because I don't understand its truth claims. I don't see it as having much to do with ancient paganism though- as I've argued on my own blog before. I disagree with all your comments about atheism though- I'm not sure how you can substantiate them.

  5. Oh and Obama opposed Iraq from the beggining- so whoever was whispering into ears, they weren't into his!

  6. You may like this James

    Think of the story behind the story, given educational capture by the curtain men, and of the impressionable young. Think also, as was mentioned, of where Fondlebum is now.

    Speaking to a recent theme, the laws of economics were absolutely altered in 1694, a fact not appreciated for a few dozen years, but equally well illuminated by Waterloo.

    Since that time, and remembering the history of the economist, any discussion around macro economics must recognise that distortion.

    Failure to recognise invalidates and makes pointless the discussion.

    Kissinger was the person who gave Obama his first job after qualification. Remember that!

  7. PS, If you don't recognise the two in the picture, right click and read the detail of the "properties"

  8. Good entry! Hillary is in SA at the moment and she was asked for money by a black women...very conveniently H replied..I haven't got my purse with me..LOL!
    About Anonymous's link... I can tell a lot about my studies through a Uni here...I won't spill the beans on my blog or here, but...all I can say is that there is a shake-up necessary...well, who am I to speak..finished my first two deg in SA..comparing...sorry, I will grab my coat and leave immediately...have the cookies with your tea! I will join next time! :)

  9. Thanks, people. shall follow up as usual. Thanks Tibverius - finally you support a point I was making re Obama. :)

  10. Hillary was into channeling Eleanor Roosevelt back in the day, or so she thought. The term is not unfamiliar to her. Grace is.

    She was being careless, petty, and offensive to the proletarians once again. She does not even own the politicians insincere cleverness. In America, we would call this kind of person a stiff, but without the usual redeeming qualities.

    Plus, she realizes finally that Obama has neutralized her, and Bill doesn't even have to come home from a good time.

    Bill, Hillary, McCain, Obama, W, Carter, Nixon, LBJ...OMG. The greatest possible case for the smallest possible government.

  11. The greatest possible case for the smallest possible government.



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