Wednesday, August 12, 2009

[blogger] taking the michael?

Something I've been thinking of for some time. Harry Hook has a video commercial on condoms and when I left a message, the word verification was p-h-a-l-l. This is the truth. As I asked over there, do you think Blogger know? Do you think they're TtheP?


  1. This is a good conspiracy theory. I posted a comment on Iain Dale's Diary a while back... I think it was him... and the verification word was "toryc"

  2. I often get ones that coincide with the post...

  3. I've gotten some unusual ones as well, that coincide with things.

    haha, completely unrelated yet seemingly strange enough I was just doing a bit of research on the history of condoms, and early prevention of VD.
    ...easy now, I was considering it as a topic for a paper for my epidemiology class. ;D


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.