Sunday, July 12, 2009

[rain] and the fish supper

I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge? [Douglas Adams]

I did actually have fish this evening. Maybe that's why it rained.
And this is meant to be summer?


  1. Salmon or Cajun blackened fish is always nice.

    Rain?? It's a cool 38C and dry as a bone. It makes for quite a headache (of course the tall beer at lunch didn't compound things at all)

  2. Funny isn't it. I was praying for cooler weather when we had two solid weeks of heat at the end of June. Yesterday was dismal though eh. My mum and friends are over from France right now and relieved to get outta the heat. They can't creep out of the house until the sun's gone down. Yuck. 6 of one...Just give me cool sunny weather. Speaking of which...:)

  3. You know, it was one of the down sides of Russia, the summer. People sometimes get the idea it's a cold climate but it's a climate of extremes. 36 degrees in summer is not unknown for days on end and the houses aren't designed to cope with that.

    Here, politically, Britain is bad but the weather is far kinder. I can't think of a better place to be in summer. Right at this moment I look out and it's overcast and nippy although the sun's threatening to break out.

  4. For some reason I took great pleasure in the rain last night. I had the window open and it was rattling all the doors.

    Right now the sun is out and it is a lovely day.

  5. It really was a delight, wasn't it, that summer rain?

  6. I LOVE rain. It always rains when my soul is weeping and it's like the world is commiserating with me.

  7. I do love rain. When I lived on the Amer. east coast we had the four seasons. The fact that it 'never rains' in Calif (well, in the Southern half) is really so true. But, then, even too much sunshine makes a desert. and, I'm in one at the moment.

    Whenever it does rain, all stops in this household and we usually go out just to take in the freshness of it. Our neighbors must think us nutters to be standing and yes, even dancing out in the rain. :)

    and hopefully, like with rain, it is cleansing and cool, and you find yourself refreshed and renewed. :)

  8. The smell of the rain and of freshly mown grass are two I love. but best of all I love storms - I could ride on one forever.

  9. sometimes I wonder, the things that pop into my head. The image of Pecos Bill came to mind, James



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