Tuesday, July 07, 2009

[memorial] authorities whitewash calls for enquiry

Look at the one in the white cap. Now look to your right from his body and go down to the third railing. Notice anything strange? Did anyone see the vid? Trick question. There was no vid - only the one still.

Fine, have a memorial - a lovely gesture but if the authorities think it whitewashes the calls for an enquiry, then it does the opposite.

For a start, it still doesn't explain the photo above. It still doesn't explain any of the anomalies of Blair's movements or explain why a Brazilian electrician was murdered. It doesn't explain why CCTV suddenly dropped out at the crucial time, why the bombers could not have been where they were supposed to have been at those times, given the state of the trains and buses that day.

At a minimum, there are unanswered questions and they need to be answered for any closure to come to the victims' families. This memorial is sweet and kind and lovely - no arguments - but it doesn't answer any of the lingering questions. Rachel North might be perfectly satisfied but with due respect, many others aren't.


  1. So many questions.

    The evidence is clear in my mind.

    The money strategically placed on 9/11, from abroad and inside the beltway, and the fact that few collected their winnings, not to mention the strange ground level explosions, and mountains of other evidence, says it all.

    The same players (companies conducting rehearsals, etc, etc) were present, and the same social effect was needed for 7/7.

    Detailed analysis by erudite bloggers is available.

    Add in Common Purpose in the form of Cressida Dick, who was promoted after the event, and it becomes impossible to accept the explanations.

  2. OK, so it's 'photoshopped'. But I need an audit trail to a police or government original; can you help with that please?

    Best regards

  3. Anon - it is certainly not an open and shut matter.

    Nigel - yes, precisely - an audit trail, as it has always been. Obviously I can't help with that without making that my main project and as you know, this blog covers a myriad topics.

    I have read much on this and unfortunately we're up against people who reveal the anomalies and then want to gild the lily and tell us how to interpret it.

    You rightly said, 'OK, it's photoshopped,' with the implied corollary - now, what's next? How to find the audit trail?

    The dearth of data and the cloud of foggery it's embedded in makes it doubly difficult.

    So no, I can't as of now but with enough time to delve and people feeding data through to me, it might be possible.

    The thing is not to fit anomalies to the theory or draw wild conclusions but only conclude as far as the anomalies allow.

    There was the report of that policeman on one of the lines who was told to move 11 seconds before the first bomb went off.

    Now how to track that down? It's disappeared completely. I put it to Dizzy who smiled. There's the problem.

  4. Don't let your incredulity of the magnitude, on both sides of the pond, cloud your perception. Remember the CFR prediction (Rockefeller)

  5. Amazing, my answer to your statement now shows before your statement

  6. Guaranteed that each and every time if the Labour party hold an enquiry about anything that hits the national press its always in secret, behind closed doors and the findings are always unavailable to the public. It will be worse now that Meddleson is ruling the roost as an appointed Lord, who comes equipped with umpteen tins of white dulux paint and silly strange handshakes.

  7. http://www.channel4.com/news/article.jsp?id=2370177

    here's the CCTV - it was held back for a 2008 trial and 2009 retrial - but it's out now

  8. James writes: "Nigel - yes, precisely - an audit trail, as it has always been. Obviously I can't help with that without making that my main project and as you know, this blog covers a myriad topics."

    I am sympathetic of James' problem; it's one I have too. There is a lot of injustice in the world, and only so much that we can individually 'prosecute'.

    As James and others might know, I have written in angry righteousness, not least on "The Last Ditch" concerning the shooting down of Jean Charles de Menezes (http://lastditch.typepad.com/lastditch/2008/12/jean-charles-de-menezes-our-national-disgrace-continues.html#comment-6a00d83451f09b69e20105365725a0970b ); my £200 offer still stands. Others have very recently used the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square for publicising wrongs; my suggestion is for a national public acknowledgement of a far greater wrong. I have also written in similar vein on Samizdata (http://www.samizdata.net/blog/archives/2007/11/the_systems_abs.html#162506 ).

    Concerning the particular issue of the 7/7 bombing and the presumed 'photoshopping', I have two particular issues: (i) can the 'photoshopping' be traced reliably to some UK government agency; and if so (ii) can an impeachable motive be attached reliably to their action (ie does it matter)?

    Without both of these, it is just too difficult to see how a complaint can be usefully pursued. If James to too busy on other important stuff, then and anyway, so am I. However, given adequate support for 'i' and 'ii', I might write a letter to my MP: Dominic Grieve: he's just the sort of person who might run with the issue.

    Best regards

  9. If James to too busy on other important stuff, then and anyway, so am I.

    I certainly don't want to be "too busy" in the sense that I don't care, Nigel. I very much care about this and have half a dossier so far but can't seem to find my way forward in the usual way I do with issues, e.g. Common Purpose. There's been too much removed evidence, barriers cosntructed, sheer lying, obfuscation.

    It would need a scrutiny of the original documents in the case [something I did manage to an extent with the Diana case].

    Your comments here, Nigel, certainly spur me on to try.


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