Tuesday, July 07, 2009

[green shoots] not likely, chamber of commerce


The British Chamber of Commerce is talking up the economy, no bad thing in principle when the policies in place are correct but the policies in place are far from correct. This is just a beat-up:

"It is absolutely vital that the improvement in business confidence is nurtured," said BCC director general David Frost.

There it is - the reason they're talking this bullsh. We've been committed to unbelievable debt, there is absolutely no sign of new businesses in any numbers or established businesses expanding, the tax codes snuff out economic life and everyone's groaning under the socialist yoke.

That's what's happening in Britain, along with a further contracting economy. Get the socialist yoke off Britain's neck, make the tax code attractive, rein in the council's greed in revenue raising from rents, re-establish the nexus between salaries and the costs of goods and services plus housing and vehicles, cutting out the bankers' credit factor and we might be up and running.

But for the BCC to just talk up the economy for no sound reason is further nurturing the disease. It's irresponsible and disingenuous self-delusion.


  1. Maybe it's OT, maybe not.

    Oil retreats from $73/b to currently $62/b ish, And now this

    Every damn thing is manipulated!

  2. A1 - nasty - curbs and needing commissioner approval. Who appoints the commissioners?

    A2 - oh goody, I shall read that pdf.

    A3 - classic logic [not].

    A4 - we can discuss this.

    Now, I wonder if any readers other me read this or follow the links? I'll gather all this into a post soon.

  3. I strongly suggest they have been leant on by shadowy persons or individuals whose motivations and loyalties will be hard to untangle but which, if the effort is made, will turn out to lead back to the Hartlepool prestidigitator.

    You see, it's absolutely essential to ensure that there is no general election until the Lisbon constitution is safely in the bag, which won't happen until the second Irish referendum.

    This is why the pressure is suddenly off Broon.

  4. A1
    Don't get hold of the wrong end.

    The exchange was originally designed for manufacturers, miners, farmers, etc, to hedge their forward prod'n, purchases, etc.

    It has been turned into a casino by banks/finance in general, taking massive positions that no rational producer/ farmer, etc, would even consider. Witness last summer oil prices, etc, and the decades long capping of precious metals.

    Commodity indexes are maintained by these banks, and investors buy, or sell, the indexes. Gold is in the indexes and last year it was heavily influenced by having its % component reduced, thereby forcing sales of gold by index followers.

    The whole issue is complex.

    Here is the archive of a particular researchers articles which will show the problems.

    The intention should be to drive out the casino operators, and return commodities to a rational market for the benefit of "proper" members.

  5. A3

    Volume count show that Goldman Sucks has dominated the volume of both futures and markets for the last several weeks, trading on the own account, not on behalf of their customers.

    Strange, counter-intuitive moves have been observed. Zero Hedge has covered these well.

    Speculation (informed speculation) has involved GS for some time, and this appears to be the smoking gun.


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