Thursday, December 18, 2008

[todes] sensual cocktail from russia

In between the mud and the grime, Russia can be a sensual cocktail and nobody embodied this more than dance group Todes [pronounced Tor' dess] who used to tour the country and came to our city one year.

My girlfriend of the time was in just such a dance group and one evening I went to one of her training sessions, watched this high kicking and the multiple back flips and wondered from where she found the energy.  Predictably, she burnt out fairly quickly though  and swung over to salsa, which is still her pet thing today.

Strangely, I never saw Todes with her as we'd had a bit of a split at that point and I actually went with another girl but not to worry.  She saw them the following year with a different man, so we were square.  This dance group did conceptual dances and I don't think youtube has the best of them but the one below is close to being good.

You have to imagine that there was a lot of ballet in there as well, pas de deux, a lot of sensual stuff and some quite atmospheric numbers.  One thing for sure was that they gave their all, displayed their talent and you can't ask more than that.  There was also a lot of humour in some numbers and they were clearly enjoying themselves, let alone what the audience were feeling.

Hope you enjoy this:

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