Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[greek tragedy] all the world's a stage

Have you looked at this Greek tragedy? Rioting youths out of control, frightened policeman shoots one of them, riots, looting and burning ensue, then a general strike. Just in case you haven't picked up on the crisis, this explains it clearly:

Gewalt auf den Straßen, Misstrauen in den Köpfen: Die schweren Krawalle sind nur das sichtbare Symptom der griechischen Staatskrise, tatsächlich reicht der Vertrauensverlust viel tiefer. Viele Bürger denken ähnlich wie die Anarchos - sie halten die Eliten ihres Landes für unfähig und korrupt.

So there!


  1. I'd hardly call that hollow article analysis, its just one long "Oh dearie me".

    You can do better James.

  2. Well, it was only meant to be a comment after the long Obama thing, Wolfie. Consider the wrist slapped.


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