Friday, November 14, 2008

[war declared] er ... not when it is israel

It wasn't long ago that this blog looked at the Middle-East and in particular Israel. At that point, it was a case of waiting for Livni to be elected.

Now it seems to be sliding into chaos again. Those supporting the Palestinians I find interesting - what do they say to this nonchalant announcement:

Hamas militants in Gaza fired several rockets into southern Israel today, while Israel kept its crossings into the territory closed as a five-month ceasefire appeared to be collapsing fast.

Er ... not a couple of rifle shots across a border fence. Not an incursion of foreign squads a few kilometres in. Rockets. As in "rockets which can kill" and are an act of war. Is there a Palestinian state? If there is, then what are they doing firing rockets into another sovereign state and why is no one screaming about it?

Like, where is the UN condemnation and the condemnation of every world leader? All right, you can say there should be a Palestinian state. Right. Now does that mean that Israeli sovereignty has no status?

Hello? Anyone out there?

UPDATE:  Courtesy of Anon, view this [hope the link works].  What chance that society?


  1. How can the UN or world leaders say anything when they took a nap when worse was waged on Iraq? Twice.

    It would seem that the rocket launchers are acting with full authority.

  2. Uber.
    There were UN resolutions on Iraq, - they weren't napping, they were/are corrupt.

    Yes, they are acting with the full authority, - authority of their financiers.

    Incidentally, the median age of the male population in Gaza is 17years, females, 17.4 years.

    Given the actions and requirements of their financiers, and the older males acting as role models, do you seriously believe there is a future for that society?

    There are dozens of UN resolutions relating to this area.
    Most of them ignored.
    UN stand by and watch.
    They have quietly negotiated at street level,in S Lebanon with the local Hezb, to turn a blind eye to rule infractions, so that they get advance warning of action to give them time to be, umm, elsewhere.

    They are cannon fodder for other nations proxy wars, - but they think they fight for freedom.

    There is a saying in most Arab states, that they will fight the Israelis to the last Palestinian.

    Their society has been vandalised by decades of violence, prompted by other Arab states to attack Israel. Under Arafat, who stole $millions, could be $Billions, in aid for his personal use, they were shunted around various Arab states, but they were so violent they were eventually ejected, and they are where they are now. Rejected by every Arab State, financed for war. Indoctrinated for war. A totally brutalised society, without hope.

    The religion of peace.
    "Click to watch the documentary".

    Go figure.

  3. Just let Israel start firing similar rockets randomly into the Gaza Strip, regardless of provocation, and you'd soon see the condemnations fly. But when Israel is the target, no, of course not.

    The reason for this is not new; it's very, very old, in both Europe and the Islamic world. Violence and murder are always evaluated rather.....differently.....when Jews are the victims.

  4. "There are dozens of UN resolutions relating to this area."...MOST OF THEM CONDEMING ISRAEL. Are you people serious? How can you stand by quietly while Israel is murdering these people but when they strike back in desperation all of you are outraged??? You are on the wrong side of history no matter how hard you try to deny it. Slavery has ended, Apartheid has ended and so will the opression of the Palestinians. I am so sick and tired of having to see AMERICAN ppl go to war because of this racist regime. I guarantee you the time is coming when the racist state of Israel will be forced to stop spilling Palestinian blood and wasting American taxpayers money.
    I am amazed how you people can live with yourselves.

  5. ...but when they strike back in desperation all of you are outraged???...

    Er sorry but you seem to have read an entirely different history to the rest of the world, Anon.

    The aggressors have always been the Arabs and it is Israel, who finally had a sovereign nation, who were attacked.

    Have you ever heard of a man named Nasser? Or of the Yom Kippur war? Or ... on and on and on and on.

    The reactor has always been Israel.

  6. Yes, the era of apartheid has indeed ended. The centuries of brutalization and subjugation of the Jews as second-class citizens under Islamic rule ended (mostly) in 1948 when they escaped the Islamic lands and migrated to the new state of Israel (the majority of the Jews in Israel are of Middle Eastern descent, even though the state was founded by Jews from Europe). For sixty years the former subjugated people and their descendants have maintained a democratic state and defended it against the Islamic terrorists and gangster regimes which have sought to re-enslave them or wipe them out.

    They will not surrender. The barbarians will never win. The Islamic apartheid subjugation of the Jews will never be restored.

  7. Hope you are not confusing the anons.

    I was the first anon, (22.07) and made it quite clear that the Palestinians are a grossly manipulated people, both by other states, and by their own leaders who had their own agendas.

    My view is neither "pro", "nor anti", US.
    I see both the US agenda, and the militant muslim/other states agenda.

    Archeological evidence clearly shows proto-Semitic, and Semitic tribes/civilisations in the areas in question, thousands of years before "Muslim Arabs" came on the scene.

    The right of existence of Israel is a no-brainer.

    For another Anon (00.35) to take an anti-US view is as stupid and bigoted as an exclusively Hezbollah view or an exclusively pro-US view.

    The second Anon (00.35) should try throwing a few rocks at the "Muslim Brotherhood", and perhaps examining in detail recent actions of Syria in Lebanon.

    There are dozens of UN resolutions relating to this area."...MOST OF THEM CONDEMNING ISRAEL.
    There, I told you the UN was corrupt! ! You just made my case.

    You should look at the composition of the particular UN body that issues those condemnations. Slightly self interested don't you think?

    Tell me, who supplies Gaza with electricity and water?
    How much do the EU and the US subsidise the Palestinian state with every month?
    And how much do the Arab states contribute, other than arms and drugs>

    However, just in case you are, in your anger, confused, the UN resolutions I was clearly referring to related to arms smuggling, withdrawal lines, etc, -resolutions the UN has signally never implemented nor enforced.

    You may also note the significance of the Israeli possession of nuclear ability for decades, which caused no consternation in the ME, and contrast that with the current ME problems that a potential Iranian nuclear capability is creating.

    Aw, what's the point, this is a subject where objectivity exited decades ago.

  8. I think this Anon business is getting confusing. Maybe we should have an Anon B or Anon G or something.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.