Tuesday, November 11, 2008

[thought for the day] wednesday evening

Let not the sun go down on your wrath


... especially on Armistice Day. Let there be Armistice.


  1. Readers, please comment on this post by all means, if you would like to but let the "other matter" go. I shall have to delete any further comment on that other matter from this comments thread or the one before. Thank you.

  2. A church minister gave me this advice many years ago. I think it was a very wise comment.

  3. It is wise to forgive but foolish to forget. I remember seeing that on the back of a beer mat twenty five years ago. However, I can't recall the name of the beer so the brewery's advertising didn't work as intended. And therein is another moral.

  4. Cherie - thank you.

    Gallimaufry - but you remembered the moral.

  5. I hope that you are having a good sleep. :)

  6. Massage or sleep - which one? I'll have to be careful or someone will accuse me of being a sleaze again.

  7. I think you should have the massage, because that would mean Sally would have to travel past me and I could have one too ;-)


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