Friday, November 07, 2008

[the old values] one by one they pass away

Every so often, someone puts up a post which gets under the guard and not for any obvious reason.

Someone once said my views were from a world now long gone. Yes they are - G-d, Queen and country, the C of E, the sanctity of the family and so on. Freedom to run about safely as a child, to have virtually not a care in the world, to open doors for women and to give up your bus seat, home-cooked meals every evening, riding bicycles on the main roads.

Jams has run a post on Sydney Lucas, the WW1 veteran who moved to Australia and died in a retirement resort the equivalent of Cornwall.

When I look at him, I see my father one generation on - that jacket, the medals, the jumper, shirt and tie. That was my father from the second war, even down to the NHS glasses. These sorts of things bring you up short really.

I suppose my own generation is the last with these values forged in a society now truly gone. Will they ever return?


  1. I look at people below 40 now and am saddened at the temerity in the way some speak to their edlers.

    I have reached the age that, whilst I am glad children are no longer treated as second class citizens who were not old enough to 'count',I resent being giving a dressing down by a 20 something who does not have the life experience to comprehend the issues at hand.

    It makes me want to stand up and say, none too nicely, 'I am old enough to be your Mother, Missy/Mister!'

  2. I am not overly fond of the Youth Culture of today. I much preferred it when everyone had more respect for each other.

  3. Not until people take responsibility for their own lives back off the government.

  4. I really do hope they return.


  5. We seem to have a lot in common James. My Father bought his own frames though.


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