Thursday, November 20, 2008

[germaine greer] who listens to her anyway

And these are the things Germaine Greer is concerned with, in her struggle for women's rights?

Germaine Greer says the dress Michelle Obama wore to her husband's US election declaration was a "butcher's apron" and looked like a "geometrical hemorrhage".


Adding to her credentials as an intellect of note, Ms Greer pronounced last year that Princess Diana was a "devious moron" and that Steve Irwin, crocodile hunter, "deserved it" when he was killed.

The movement's in good hands, sisters.


  1. I am not above the odd bitchy comment but I always think it's a shame when women publicly lambast each other like that.

    Young women struggle enough with self image as it is.

  2. What surprises me about Greer is that she likes to be thought of as a champion of women.

    Now here is a woman, Michelle Obama, OK - not in her own right a star - but still the most important component of that family and another woman is slagging her off.

    Young women struggle enough with self image as it is.

    That's true and the least any one else can do is be sympathetic towards that.

  3. That's a disgrace to be running down another woman like that.
    I hate competitive, catty women.

  4. I nearly knocked her down once, as I cycled along and she swept imperiously across the road. But she looked like a poor, batty old thing, so I swerved.

  5. Sadly Greer became an irrelevance some years ago...

  6. The comments were definitely uncalled for!

  7. I thought she had fallen off the radar, but I suppose she has to keep herself in the public eye in some way or another.

    She is a very desperate woman and should be ashamed of herself.

  8. At the risk of swimming against the current: I love listening to Germaine Greer shooting from the hip - irreverant: yes - irrelevant: no way

  9. As an expat Aussie all her loopy stuff is picked up immediately by the Aussie press.

  10. The woman's an idiot... but I agree about that dress :)


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