Monday, November 10, 2008

[armistice eve] the slide to oppression

And I thought I was the only one who wrote this kind of thing:

There was a time when I struggled to convince myself that these people were well meaning but incompetent ... There is nothing well meaning about this proposal, nor does it smack of casual incompetence. This is very deliberate. This is an intentional raid on our civil liberties. This is designed to reverse the relationship betwixt citizen and state with the state’s boot firmly on the citizen’s throat. This is pure, unadulterated evil.

Referring to the latest Labour proposal to wrest yet another liberty from the ordinary person who can't defend him or herself.


  1. My oversight has been corrected. Sorry old bean. Hope things are well.

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Lady M, thanks.

    Longrider is a fine writer - I really like his stuff. Ditto you.

    I haven't spent nearly enough time over your way but plan to correct that.

    Rob, I include you in this too - I've always wanted to say to you that you should get right back into it - you're too good a writer not to.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.