Thursday, October 09, 2008

[just when you thought it was safe] be afraid ... be very afraid


Aaaagh! The mouth is back! Is anyone safe in his or her bed? That scourge of the blogwaves, Ubermouth, is up and running again and kicking butt.

Anyone have anything to hide out there? She's gonna find it.

So to today's report - well it wasn't the greatest idea trying to find a customer's billing information and credit rating and I was a bit slow, truth be told. You try typing in 345938471922304 while dealing with two other calls but I got up to speed near the end and might make not a bad receptionist - pity the bod's not up to scratch, in keeping with the role.

Now it's raining here but it's quite soothing really. The weather had better clear up for the trip to Southhampton on the weekend - think I'll give this interview away tomorrow too in Droitwich Spa.


Just received an email and it simply reiterates something said by my mate earlier. Now I'm going out on a limb and printing a fragment of it against my own rules but it's too good not to quote:

What's important are friends who are tried in the fire. They are the gold in the dross.

Aren't they ever and slowly, one day at a time, I'm discovering who they are. They might disagree on some things but there is something indefinable in their manner in a letter which says everything. This is such a rewarding time just now and it's going to get better.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to include below the part of Crushed's comment which is printable and refers to himself:

    Crushed said...

    "I almost had a panic attack at work today. Just thought you might want to hear. Wonder what brought that on."

    That is verbatim.

    The parts relating to the police and harrassment I have deleted on the grounds that I don't want anything actionable on this blog.

    Also, there are ways to block emails too, aren't there, if you are worried?

    Now I'm going to close off these comments because I'm going to bed and don't want to wake up to all hell having broken loose.

    Sleep tight, everyone.
