Thursday, October 16, 2008

[george w bush] what will history say

A Republican view

* He'll be remembered as the President who, despite terrorist attacks, preserved civil rights, kept the economy strong through tax cuts, made the tax system more progressive, and finally fought back against the terrorists.

* He'll be remembered as the first president to try to bring us together after the divisive Clinton years and the President who rebuilt the military.

* He'll be remembered as the President who presided over the fastest, biggest aid package ever after Katrina.

* He will be remembered for liberating 50 million Muslims who spent their lives under murderous regiemes. He protected us from future attacks that we believed were just around the corner.

* Bush lowered taxes and tried to impose his will on a democratic marority house and senate

A Democrat view

With Ronald Reagan we remember:

* The Cold War
* The Berlin Wall
* The assassination attempt
* The Iran-Contra scandal
* Reaganomics
* Nancy’s “Just say ‘no’” policy
* Grenada
* Booming 80's economy resurgence

With George Herbert Walker Bush we remember:

* “Read my lips, no new taxes”
* Desert Storm
* Dan Quayle misspelling ‘potato’
* The fall of the Soviet Union
* Americans With Disabilities Act
* Panama / Noriega
* Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I)

With William Jefferson Clinton we remember:

* Monica Lewinsky
* A thriving economy
* Somalia
* Serbia / Kosovo
* The Branch Davidians
* Elian Gonzalez
* Soaring public opinion
* Low unemployment

So what will we remember of George Walker Bush?

* September 11, 2001
* The Patriot Act
* The Afghan War
* The Iraqi Quagmire
* Torture
* Water Boarding
* Abu Ghraib
* Falsified intelligence
* Suppression of climate science
* Sinking economy
* Soaring gas prices
* Sinking public opinion
* The Katrina debacle
* Cheney shooting someone in the face
* Wire Tapping
* Loss of Habeas Corpus
* Veto of stem cell bill
* Inflation
* Rising unemployment
* Firing of U.S. Attorneys
* Alberto Gonzalez
* Scooter Libby
* Enron
* Tyco
* Blackwater
* Faith Based Initiatives



  1. BUT he is also an inspiration and role model to halfwits worldwide, that YES even you can achieve the impossible dream!

    Plus,Curious George IS real!

  2. Be interesting to see how posterity sees him.


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