Monday, September 15, 2008

[luvverly day] the day we went to the dvla

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
I'm off to the ^&*$£()*ing DVLA

Yep, Higham is off on another identity-establishing jaunt today to a far flung town, finding his way around said town, wading his way through conflicting statements on multiple guidance leaflets and helpline advice, buying a cripplingly expensive lunch and then tackling the transport system [especially the return without any identity documents which will have been left at the DVLA for loss and later retrieval], before eventually arriving back here .

The real joke though is that he thinks he can also encompass taking his specimen to the local doctor, as per request and registering at another local employment office, minus the requisite documents, all on the one day.

But the joke's on them because I've already lost most of my hair so I can't lose much more.


Well, what fun that was. The DVLA itself was not really a problem but that is a problem in itself in that no real questions or issues were raised which I could imagine there might have been. Thought I'd ask the lady about the rumour that the DVLA lost passports and things and she said, 'Oh not that much really.'

The smile froze on my face.

Later, seeking employment, the usual status issues arose but hopefully that'll be sorted out tomorrow. 'Oh, we don't get many of those over here,' she said, meaning people who've been gallivanting round the world. 'Yer well travelled then, aren't ye?'

Hopefully that's not held against me when we get down to the nitty gritty.

The return bus ride took us by the scenic route so that was nice too. Luvverly day?


  1. I had no idea that the DVLA actually existed in real life and it is hard to imagine life without the identity defining drivers license. I still have my original green license and my replacement pink one when I changed address.

    All the other drivers licenses I have obtained around the world I had to show up in person, other than Kathmandu, where somebody from the Embassy was dispatched with a large wad of money to facilitate the transaction.

    The worst by far was in California. I imagined that it would be high tech. No such things. Lots of forms and interminable waits.

  2. Good luck! Swansea's changed out of all recognition.

  3. Ahhh, seee? If it wasn't all so difficult these people would have no jobs!

  4. Just back and about to report - I'm a little way from Swansea actually.:)

  5. I wonder about people who don't drive since it seems a driver's license is used for ID constantly.

    At my local supermarket if you charge more than $50 on a credit card they ask to see your driver's license.

    I know several people who don't drive. I wonder how they get on for photo ID.

  6. Yes it is usually drivers licence, passport or utility bill with your name and address on!

    Another good way of finding jobs is online, there are lots of good agencies out there. Once you have registered you will get email updates with new jobs as they are added. I am sure I have got a few listed somewhere if you want me to pass them on.

  7. This whole think is getting ultr-complicated now and it's a Catch 22. Somewhere we're going to get a break and then we'll be away. Thanks for the comments, folks.


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