Saturday, September 20, 2008

[cryotherapy] crying indeed

Would you do this?

For two minutes, I will be subjected to minus 120 degrees; a whole Siberian winter colder than that nippy day at Vostok. This is clearly madness.

Not according to Dr Jan Potocky, who runs the Cryotherapy Centre at Aquacity in Poprad, Slovakia. He believes that being subjected to such an ordeal has tremendous therapeutic effects, and there is some science behind it.

In some ways, it's just an extreme version of applying an ice pack to an injury - the blood vessels contract and blood is sent rampaging towards the cold bits.

The Russians and most northern nations swear by the banya and sauna, followed by the cold roll in the snow or the dip in the cool pool. Cryotherapy goes just for the cold snap and appears to have some substance. Many in these nations believe in the cold dip in the river in the morning or the cold face wash as well.


  1. Geeeze.

    Talk about frozen nuts!


  2. So far as I am concerned, an ice-cold shower does more for your libido in the short term than almost anything else, and that includes old Dr Pococky and his bloody Cryotherepay. I give it seven out of ten...


  3. Nope, I hate the cold. They are welcome to any benefits from it. I shall just have to do without.

  4. Hmmm I wonder if I could run a clinic for this treatment? I am a Dr (although not a medical one) and I work with cryogens..... seems to me to be a great way of extracting hard currency out of stupid people.


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