Wednesday, July 09, 2008

[food supply] plus water equals power

Don't want you to worry or anything:

The government officials who are supposed to protect America’s food supply are not certain what has made almost 1,000 people ill in the last three months. At first it was raw tomatoes that appeared to be tainted with a rare form of salmonella. So, consumers avoided tomatoes, and the tomato business suffered mightily.

Health officials are still worried about tomatoes, but they’ve also raised concerns about jalapeño peppers. Or perhaps cilantro. Or maybe some brands of salsa. Somewhere. Meanwhile, people keep getting sick.

Seems to me that:

1. There are a lot a scare tactics being used on the populace just now, perhaps to soften us up for the main play down the track;

2. Food plus water supply equals a whole lot of power in a few hands. Joseph in Egypt springs to mind.

No Clue has a nice take on the food issue at her site.


  1. We can adjust and live (not so nicely ) without petrol and the like. We cannot live without food and water.

    Multinationals are all out working on food patents. That is the next big gold rush. Controlling what and how we grow food and what we eat.

  2. I look forward to the world water shortage.

    I have this vision of all these Arabs turning up in the West of Scotland, desperate to buy the stuff.

    We take our time negotiating... "And you want pay how? In PAPER MONEY? No, I don't think so."

    What's that you say? The price is too high? Well you could always drink your oil...

    Ah, the joy, the joy of revenge.

  3. Herewith I do openly confess: Anonymous made me beam with joy.

    Long live the Dunreay reactor*!

    * Mind you, it's, of course, merely a pars pro toto. :)

  4. We could sell them the cooling water from the reactor Shaun.


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