Thursday, May 08, 2008

[lizard queen] damaged but still dangerous

Everyone and his dog is commenting on this so why should I be any different?

It's over for her. Here are the reasons: There really is no mathematical chance for her to win; her campaign is virtually out of money - and it will be difficult for her to raise significant amounts of money after last night; not enough happened last night to give her any hope, so continuing would only give the appearance of wanting to damage Mr Obama.

... and yet ... and yet:

She is a Clinton and the Clintons do not have the word "lose" in their playbook. A down and out Komodo is a dangerous creature. All sorts of deals are going to be struck now and there is still the pro-woman factor and the anti-black, right through till the end.

Today I read this:

So far she has received endorsements from 271 superdelegates, to Mr Obama's 256, with 270 still undecided, according to the Associated Press.

Many super-delegates say they will vote for the candidate chosen in the primary of their home state.

This looks like a good analysis, written before the latest primaries but predicting them well.

Can anyone tell me what sort of tally that works out to overall?


  1. NO ONE can say who will win, despite what is written by the media.

  2. It's high time a woman was president of the U.S.A, but not this woman.


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