Monday, April 21, 2008

[pecking order] why it's better to be the boss


  1. That is so true, the higher you get up the tree, the less crap is showered down on you.


    BTW James, although I know you HATE memes (and secretly so do I), I've posted something which you might do, or not as the case may be.

    Could be interesting, or entertaining at least. If you fancy it. No pressure. :o)

  2. Guess that makes you my second in command.

  3. "Unless you're the lead husky, the view never changes."

  4. I have this at my desk to motivate me in my quest to achieve the unachievable.

    Life at work is like a tree full of monkeys

    All on different limbs at different levels.

    Some monkeys are climbing up,
    some down.

    The monkeys on top
    look down
    and see a tree full of smiling faces.

    The monkeys on the bottom
    look up
    and see nothing but assholes.

  5. As everybody did, did I: noddingly smile.
    It's easy when supposedly not sitting on one of the lower bars, isn't it?

  6. Yes - and the giggle at this end is that my former and maybe not so former love of the novels is now feeding me these things - another one today - and it's a neat little series if she can keep up her end of it.


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