Friday, November 02, 2007

[facebook] banning bloggers with pseudonyms

Jonathan Swift is and has been for a considerable time, on this blog’s White List. Decoded, this means he’s a major world blogger, with a wide readership, whose posts do affect people’s lives. His method is biting satire but for all that, it’s subtle – sometimes too subtle and he’s been in hot water before for seemingly supporting one opinion when in fact he was taking the Michael out of it.

He is currently up for Funniest Blog and Nourishing Obscurity urges you to pop over here and vote for him each day, if you can see your way clear.

I mentioned hot water and he was in just that recently when Facebook, in their esteemed wisdom, decided to delist him on the grounds that he was using a pseudonym. What the hell are they going on about?

Seems they only want people to use their real names, which supports the contention that they are a very insidious organization who need watching. Jon Swift says:
By banning bloggers who use pseudonyms Facebook has declared war on the blogosphere. More and more bloggers have been using Facebook as a social networking tool, but how useful will it be if so many bloggers will be left out?
It appears that due to blogger pressure he’s been reinstated. All power to the blogosphere.

Also touching on this is the always excellent and increasingly unmissable Prodicus who thinks we have but a short time left.


  1. Hell's teeth, this is spooky. Prompted by nothing more than nocturnal musings, I have just, in the last five minutes, blogged on this precise subject. There is more to this cybercommunication business than we suspect...

  2. Prodicus - you are in my blogger profile on Saturday evening.

  3. Facebook are going to love me. I get more hits than Swift so am I am major blogger too?

  4. Well how the heck are they going to know? I don't use my real name on facebook. It's not that difficult to make up a name as one does on SL. Is there no one called Jon Swift today? I very much doubt that.

  5. Goog God, I never realised you could be anonymous, that's why I never joined. Learn something new every day.

  6. Just remember who funded the building of Facebook and why it is there.

    It was funded by DARPA's Information Awareness Office, and is there to collect information about you and build a profile on you.

    Thats why they dont like pseudonyms.

  7. I don't use FaceBook and have no plans to, so I don't suppose it will affect me over much. There was always something about it that left me cold.

  8. Curious- you can't unsubscribe, only deactivate (and logging in again reactivates)


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.