Monday, November 05, 2007

[blogrolls] major changes at this site

I have made major changes to the rolls. This is still an ongoing work and names are still to be moved about so don't get out the shotgun yet.

Right Sidebar

This contains archives, MSM and reference links.

Left sidebar

This is the active column and uses colour codes for the various rolls according to a mix of many factors. It's not whether the blog is major, whether I like the blogger or even if the blog is good - it's for these reasons:

1. Interaction with me either through:

a. visiting here [seen through referrals, MyBlogLog and comments];
b. me visiting you;
c. testimonials;
d. guest posting;
e. e-mail correspondence;
f. invitations;
g. sense of community.

It's all of these together, not just two or three of them.

2. Running a comments section. Even if you're in a high roll for the above reasons, not running comments is a no-no with me, sorry and it would move you down.

3. Activity. For example, Notsaussure, if he were blogging, would be right up there but he's not - so he's not.

Known issues

The major problem with the new method is the 'silent reader', the one who doesn't show up in the referrals or any of the other indicators but still reads the blog somehow. An example is Tom Paine, who seemingly reads but doesn't 'visit' - it's beyond me.

Another factor is Blogpower. The whole roll is in the right sidebar, as is the Witanagemot but the bloggers in BP also appear in the left sidebar - all are there, according to their activity.

Lastly, it is a fluid list, changing daily in an upwards direction and weekly, on Sundays, in a downward.

It just seems fairer this way.


  1. Oh, I always did wonder about the meaning of the colours! You would have got on very well with a Head I worked for who used to send his staff notes on different coloured paper - blue for "do it now", pink for "contact the parents" grey for "in my office - now!" etc. Perhaps it's a headmasterly kind of thing? Anyway, I'm flattered to be where I appear to be.

  2. I'm with Welshcakes in it all and honoured to be honest to be on any blogroll- its a privilege to be mates with you old chap!


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.