Sunday, October 14, 2007

[second life] when the system wobbles

There's a humungous new Sunday Sport - nipping over to The Spine and nicking the photo-tales he lovingly prepares, to fill in a creativity blockage or eight. I notice Steve Green is already into it as well. You should try it too. Marvellous fun.


  1. The Spine is one of those sites that creep down the link list then when you get round to revisiting, you spend ages catching up again.

  2. Thanks Shades. I think that sounds a good thing. I should probably redesign it and have my name on the top. I'm too quiet...

  3. I didn't know of this blog but I can see that it could get addictive.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.