Sunday, October 21, 2007

[new england] leaf peeping heartbreak

Every fall, Marilyn Krom tries to make a trip to Vermont to see its famously beautiful fall foliage. This year, she noticed something different about the autumn leaves.

"They're duller, not as sparkly, if you know what I mean," Krom, 62, a registered nurse from Eastford, Conn., said during a recent visit. "They're less vivid."

"It's nothing like it used to be," said University of Vermont plant biologist Tom Vogelmann, a Vermont native.

He says autumn has become too warm to elicit New England's richest colors.
Say it’s the government’s fault, say it’s ours, say anything you like and apportion the blame as you will but please, please, don’t stick your head in the sand and pretend it’s not happening.


  1. It clearly is happening but it is also just as clearly Gods fault.

    1) He made the sun. Faulty stability in core and no warranty.
    2) He gave us intelligence. We advanced too fast so he tried to compensate with politicians. Way overcompensated.
    3) He could easily fix it. But clearly is on a government funded scheme where after 7 days work he can retire for eternity.

    I don't think people are denying it is going on. I think we are just saying that it is a natural occurance and will take place over time which we can compensate for. It is being used as an excuse by our governments to clamp down on us and tax us more.

  2. We're due to start cooling again in 2020, or there-abouts

  3. More anecdotal evidence (of what, who knows), meaning useless, but this year in the Pacific Northwest where we don't get decent Fall colour as on the East coast, the colours are brilliant. One of the best years I have seen. We had a dreadful summer, very cool and wet Make of it what you will.

  4. James, why do you insist on saying people disagree on whether it is actually getting warmer in some parts of the world?

    You and the rest of the GCCC are convinced that MAN is the cause, the rest of the (sane?) world is not :)

    Every time you end a post like that, you make your argument weaker, not stronger.

  5. Also note that certain years in the 80's the leaves were 'duller'...


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