Saturday, October 06, 2007

[lizard queen] whitehouse here we come

In the Telegraph take on Hillary, there were some juicy morsels:

"Without nepotism, Hillary would be running for the president of Vassar [an elite college founded for women]," sniffed Maureen Dowd.

Mrs Clinton's answers to every question, Frank Rich wrote, were "a rambling and often tedious Gore-like filibuster" and she seems "especially evasive when dealing with questions requiring human reflection". Her laugh had "all the spontaneity of an alarm clock buzzer".

Nice stuff but the following commenter seemed to me closer to the truth:

Hillary Clinton will indisputably be the next President of the United States. She will move to the political center after she wins the Democratic primary. She is extremely intelligent and experienced. She will be a centrist akin to Brown and Cameron. David Cameron would defeat her if he was the Republican nominee in the USA. His oratorical prowess and charisma would resonate with Americans. His impressive green agenda would help to defeat Hillary. [Brien Comerford, United States]

Leaving aside the alleged connection with the giga-fund scandal, Peter Paul, Whitewater and Vince Foster, Jamie Gorelick, Nolanda Hill, Independent Counsel Robert Ray, bouncer Craig Livingstone, National Finance Director David Rosen and the $2m, Juanita Broaddrick, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Yucaipa, Web Hubbell, John Huang, the Lippo Group and Norman Hsu, leaving aside her health care policy, leaving aside the clearly partisan attacks by Giulliani, leaving aside the worrying and unknown extent to which she accepts the Saul Alinsky thesis, just what is it about this woman?

The travesty of the Starr Report and Wallace's Fox attack show the Republicans need to let the Clintons hang themselves, by themselves, not leave the GOP tactics open to a public perception of overkill.

And yet there is still something fundamentally wrong with the woman.

In the end, it might even be the symptoms and signs - the hyena cackle, the heavily scripted human warmth, the way former supporters and allies are coming out against her and her voting record, rather than the concealed disease itself which sinks her.

I myself wonder about the nuclear arsenal in her hands, in conjunction with the finance she's in thrall to and finally - that phoenix brooch. In the words of another Telegraph commenter:

May G-d help this country if this woman is elected to the Presidency. [Joan - Tennessee USA]


  1. If any of the current Democrats or Republican candidates are elected, say goodbye to the US and hello to the NAU. We need a strong third party candidate! People have been saying that for years but now more than ever, it is urgently necessary!

  2. It's such a shame that the likely first woman president is such an unpleasant individual.
    But the US survived Reagan who was an enormous worry regarding nuclear war and maybe she won't be so bad, says she hopefully, because we are so heavily influenced by US policies.

  3. JMB - I sincerely hope the feminists don't get into this and start playing the gender card on the issue of the presidency.

    This "person" [neither male nor female but lizard] is poised to destroy the U.S. I can assure you that whatever gender, I'd be opposed.

  4. Bill would be good as First Lady, though, wouldn't he?

  5. Hillary Clinton (aka "Her Royal Thighness", "The Ice Queen", "Madame Mao", "Dragon Lady", "Hillary Rotten" and countless other monikers) would be a complete disaster for the United States and for the world.

    Leaving her shrew-like personality out of it, she is a committed command-and-control socialist who will work to destroy so many of our freedoms that have made the US the free-ist country in the history of the world.

    She and her husband are responsible for much of the leadup to the 9/11 attacks through their politicization of the law enforcement and intelligence agencies and "world citizen" foriegn policy.

    She and her husband are not fit to occupy the same office as Ronald Reagan, a true American hero and patriot.

  6. Anonymous - why stay anonymous? Your views are patriotic and sane and you should back them with your virtual persona. :)

    Julie - naughty!

  7. At least she has a brain unlike the current puppet incumbent. Americans deserve the Presidents that they elect and they have not done a very good job at that for a few decades.

  8. Please please tell me I'm having a nightmare. Will someone please pinch me and wake me up?

    I have a vote, but nowhere to use it! Gods help us if she becomes president. You think America is feminized now? Just wait and see - it can, and will, get worse.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.