Friday, October 12, 2007

[fabians] and drink soaked trots

The weathermen - did they know which way the wind blew?

This is more a comment on the second last post, run as a stand-alone here:

First of all - our Tiberius. As I can't believe he doesn't know it already, then I'd have to say he was being a little less than "genuous" in saying Fabians aren't Marxists.

As a former paid up Fabian [and who wouldn't have been at our university with those professors?], there wasn't one of us without a grounding in Marx and Engles and in the left wing community of the time, the big battle was between Trotskyites and Stalinists. I can't remember now which epithet the Trots hated more -ites or -ists but we used the wrong one.

Our heroes were Shaw and Tawney, of course and we cut no ice with anyone in the Rik Mayall class of urban guerilla who were busy beating up on each other. I can say though that our tactics were not greatly different from what I see of CP now and the British government and EU as a whole.

There's an agenda, the people behind the govenment fly kites, try things on, move people into positions of power, the whole show and the funny thing to me [not funny in its consequences] is that they really don't deviate one iota [um?] from the grand plan as laid down all those years ago.

We tried a bit of revolutionary stuff ourselves and began a group - Anarchist Revolutionary Students in Education which the quick on the anagram uptake will recognize for what it was - and we issued ultimata to the administration scribbled on toilet roll, demanding memorial stones be laid to Linda Lovelace and so on. The problem was that the admin got in on the joke and so we had to disband.

Then we set up a company called Truly Ruly, dedicated to selling mementos of our drink soaked board meetings and the thing was that we got to the establishment stage, due to a few of us actually having viable businesses already. I was the interface with the corporations interviewer. At one point I was simultaneously a member of Labour and the Young Conservatives and yes, it was possible. I did it. The latter was mainly for the better class of girl at the parties.

We had a car club and rallied after a fashion and we had a monthly rag which, while it was ostensibly about cars, was actually a series of left wing diatribes about this or that. It fell through, as our Veedubs did in ditches in the forest.

But on reaching man's estate, the things of childhood had to be put away - socialism, schoolboy pranks and so on and the business of making a living in the real world took over. So never one for rabble rousing or a follower of clarion calls for action, a product of the Fabian days, I preferred to build dossiers, piece together evidence and so on.

Another thing added to the mix in the days before I became a school head was how important reputation actually is. It took me a long time to realize it and that for every year establishing it, it took one minute to undo and my model in this was a former head who'd been criticized for weakness but he was misunderstood.

His method was to resist all calls for precipitate action and slowly pieced together stories from all parties, all sides, then arrived at a decision and stood by it. For his resistance to being steamrolled into a quick decision he was labelled indecisive.

Let's face it - did Drake drop his bowls and shriek: "Oh mgd, the Spaniards and fly down to his ships?"

On the other hand, he could move fast if he had to, say, in a safety situation with a child.

If he got it into his head that something didn't ring true, he was like a terrier or to mix analogies, a heat seeking missile and usually broke through in the end. Non-transparency was one of the biggest no-nos.

All of these above are fragments of Higham's approach too with one added negative - he's a stubborn bstd as well.


  1. Ah, you see in my Uni days, I was briefly chairman of the University Conservative Association...

    There weren't many members.

  2. That's lovely to know, Crushed. And then you went left whilst I went right.

  3. Over simplification, I'm afraid James.

    I still vote Tory today, except in Euro-Elections, when I vote UKIP.

    Whilst we live in a capitalist society, we need to support the best capitalists. That way the cycle ends quickest and we progress quickest.

    I was always a slight maverick within the party, but respected for my skills on the doorstep.
    It was always about realpolitik to me.

    Fact was, I did the calculation. If my career had progressed the way I had planned in those days, I would have been at PPC age, at the point the Tories were on their way back into office.
    That was the main reason for my choice.

  4. James you won't be surprised I disagree with you. I don't disagree that most Fabians have read Marx- but then I'm not sure that anyone shouldn't read Marx- he is crucial to understandign the century we have just lived through.

    Fabians are social democrats. Yes there may be some who were once or are now Marxists but in general they are social democrats. To generalise as you appear to be doing here that the left is Marxist is like me generalising that the right is fascist. There are Marxist idiots on the left- there are Fascist idiots on the right- doesn't make either the right or the left Fascist or Marxist.

  5. gracchi.
    I might have known you'd stick your bent nose in.
    You really love your labels, don't you!

    Let me make life simple for you.
    Draw a circle.
    Draw a diameter on that circle.

    At one end of the diameter sit absolute "left" and "right". Since you like your labels, you can call 'em whatever you want.

    At the other end of the diameter sits "Democracy", pure and simple.

    Between the democracy end of the diameter, and the other end of the diameter, in whichever direction from the democracy end you wish to travel, YOU can have a field-day with your labels.

    The Democracy end "works" for a positively evolving society.
    The further you travel around the diameter, in whatever direction, you encounter all your silly labels, and also INCREASING levels of society failure, in the real world.

    The far end of the diameter, whatever label it carries, is a FAILED MODEL, DEMONSTRABLY SO.

    There now, wasn't that easy?

    Now grow a brain.

  6. What an exciting life you have had, Sir James or whoever you are now. I've never understood how anarchists can "form a group", though - surely that defeats the point?

  7. Firstly, let's try to keep the tone a bit higher, Anonymous and attack the argument rather than the person.

    Tiberius - the whole point of Fabianism [modern] is the gradual taking over of the key positions in society and the reeducation of the society to make it more amenable to collectivist ideas.

    Only a Leninist or a Marxist himself would call Fabians social-democrat. Elimination of the bourgeoisie hardly constitutes SD. Anyone to the right of their position would consider them Marxists.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.