Friday, October 05, 2007

[situation update] always look on the bright side

16:15 London time

Situation seems to be that it's giving me about 30 minutes typing time before the screen [videocard] goes down. The Mac doesn't come until the 12th. This could mean sudden cessation of blogging at any time in the interim which is a pity because the reader level has been wonderful these past two weeks and I've now got my Google Reader working a treat as of this morning.

All of that pales into insignificance compared to what's happening outside in the markets and on the streets. There is a very ugly mood and even a grandmother spoke of vostaniya or uprising today. The prices are now ridiculous - halfway to western prices but the salaries are stagnant at the level of two years ago.

Examples - milk is now [all in American currency in this post] $2 a litre, petrol $1 a litre, 200g of cheese $3, 1kg of mincemeat $9. Doesn't sound a lot but look at the salaries.

Qualified five year teacher $196 a month and pensioner $100 a month. Tax at 13% flat rate [good aspect] comes out of this money. It is not possible to eat meat in most households more than twice a week now.

Naturally the amount I pay on this flat doubled today. They say it's going to double again in November but with no increase in salaries [liquidity crisis, you know because the banks speculated with fiat money].

We're all very happy over here and thanks for asking. At least I seem to be out of the one week of flu now. Silver lining.

11:36 London time

Don't know whether you can read this or not - I can't and therefore can't check spelling but my screen ahs given out. New videocard needed but not obtainable as it's so old. Therefore new computer motherboard and different slots required

We have just had 40-80% price hikes over here so a new computer is not affordable, especially as I've paid for and am waiting for the Mac. Not good - maybe no blogging or at least a minimal amount. Don't know if this will post but if it does, you know the situation. Sorry.


  1. James, this sounds pretty awful. You sound pretty phlegmatic about it all but you must be screaming too.

  2. Sympathies, James - I hope it all is sorted soon.

  3. Mind over matter is the order of the day. The weather, at least, is lovely just now.

  4. Interesting. Your prices are very similar to Adelaide. Everything is the same except that we pay a little less for milk.


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