Thursday, August 16, 2007

[silly really] niggling little thing

Sometimes we can forget that a blog is a public forum and anyone can come in and look at your business. I understand that but would like to write this anyway.

There are bloggers with real issues just now and my heart goes out to them. There is one at least with a joyful issue. Then there is me, with almost nothing to complain about, nice readership, nice discussions and yet I go to bed sad this evening.

You'll possibly call it self-indulgent but there's something niggling me.

There's a girl I'm corresponding with just now and though we write of many things, she has someone else on her mind. She'll read these words and I know she thinks something's gone wrong. It hasn't. I like her so much. I'll write tomorrow morning.

This doesn't niggle me.

There's a girl who had arranged to visit me last evening. She didn't arrive. No matter. She phoned today and said she'd come this evening. She didn't. No matter. Now she says she'll come tomorrow evening. We'll see.

This doesn't niggle me.

I miss my little car I sold the other day. We went through a lot together for years and she was idiosyncratically mine. The new owner apparently has some troubles driving her.

This niggles but not a lot.

There's a blogger who used to visit me a lot and I had pride of place on her roll. She had a plausible reason to drop me but still, it niggled. She's been busy and hasn't visited for a long while. Again I can understand that. It's holiday time.

Then, this evening, I began the move through the rolls as I usually do and was surprised to see her back on someone's site. Great, I thought and clicked into mine. Nothing. So I continued through the sites, commenting here and there, including hers and she kept popping up here and there.

I went back to my site. Nothing. You see the way the mind's ticking over?

OK, I have no reason to be unhappy. I don't own her, I have no claim, she's jsut a blogger; even if I did I can't do much from the fSU. She does as she wishes from her part of the world. I just get this feeling though she doesn't really like my site any more.

Again, so what? People come, people go. You can't please everyone. There are readers who come here and stay and they are the most important people and then there are those who visit and don't come back. Big deal - doesn't worry me.

She worries me, don't know why. Maybe it's something I wrote. I think that must be it. She has her own issues, of course. Yes, that's it, I think.

So, time to go to bed I suppose. The good thing is I know she'll never read this post so that's all right then.

Goodnight all.


  1. Ah, the ladies.

    Most of our troubles seem to come from the fairer sex.

    But they are worth it.

  2. Ahhh, "Cherchez La Femme".

    I know how you feel.

  3. The things we have to bear. Tomorrow will be different.

  4. I'll lend you my pulling thong. Never fails to work.

    I too spend most of my day, wondering who I've offended. I think it's the nature of blogging. Or it's the nautre of me offending most people I come across. And I also wonder why do the crap blogs always manage to get 201 comments to each post?

  5. Я уверен, что это не Вы, .Do не берут это лично, 007. Сон хорошо и думает об Англии. :)

  6. oh you poor dear. I do know what you mean, as silly as it may seem it can affect us - so it's not silly is it? I have no doubt you will bounce back, after all Welshcakes loves you.

  7. Try the old fashioned approach - send her an email...


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