Tuesday, July 10, 2007

[country share] interesting percentages

Sorry - just couldn't resist it. Usually the Brits are 45-50% of my readership and when this happens [below], it brings a smile to the face:


  1. That is interesting.
    I wish I had that diverse a readership.
    As it is, when I see the National Flag of Burkina Faso appear, I regard it as a good indication that there will be spam in my inbox.

    It must be all these foreign titles of nobility you've acquired.

  2. Am I the little green bit there? Incidentally, mon cher Marquis, I am having terrible difficulty getting comments on today: can't do it at all in explorer and in that-thing-that-I-want-to-call-Mozzarella I have to come back into your blog each time.

  3. Burkina Faso, Crushed? I did get a spammer today, you know.

    Welshcakes - perhaps it is you. My eyes can't see that small. As for the comments - I'll try to explore this one.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.