Wednesday, July 11, 2007

[confusion] and the curse of ennui

Some of you have been wondering and have maybe even been a tadge annoyed about all this Lord Straf-This-and-That, the Marquis de Something and contessas. Matt was especially worried about the latter. The tired Ruthie was wondering about Guernica.

I was just bored with my humdrum 12 to 21 life, the endless array of women, the storms, the new clients every few days, the ennui of running my own show without the welcome constraints of a 9 to 5 job and a secure homebase - freedom can be so tiring.

The profile changing had been on the go the whole time [and will continue - I always feel a profile should be unexpected, don't you?] but the name changes were more recent. The thing is, they're like a narcotic - once you start, you can't stop. I'm sure, like storms, they'll blow themselves out eventually.

My addictions are Russian ice cream and chocolate, certain types of ladies, smoked salmon, strudel, good single malts and sailing, to name a few but not in that order. I can't stop.

Oh - and blogging.


  1. I liked your Straf-Dresden one. I used to work with an ex-Mosquito pilot (and Wellingtons too I think), Bernard Tubbs was his name, great one for nose picking and falling asleep at the desk (which was allowed bearing in mind his war record).

  2. I should have added, that he did (strafe Dresden that is!)

  3. My uncle was a Wellington pilot, dropping large quantities of bombs on parts of Germany. He never ever talked about it.

    I think that your name changes and blog changes are refreshing. We all get very set in certain ways of doing things.

    I note that you are using obsolesence. That was one on my short list that I put on Shades blog. I also had Obama and ObiWanKenobi.... I did not include obnoxiousness.

  4. Fortunately the avatar prevents confusion.

    Keeps us on out toes!

  5. The endless array of women, eh?

    It sounds unbearable, James. :)


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.